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- How to Talk Deeper? Master Techniques, Exercises and Tools to Deepen Your Voice
How to Talk Deeper? Master Techniques, Exercises and Tools to Deepen Your Voice
Featured In
- Understanding the Human Voice
- What Makes a Human Voice Deeper?
- How to Deepen Your Voice Naturally
- How can I Change my Voice Naturally?
- How can I make my Voice Manly?
- How to Deepen Voice with Exercise
- How to Change Voice
- How do I Deepen my Voice?
- How can I Change my Voice to a Deep Tone?
- How can I Deepen my Voice Without Changing it?
- Voice-Deepening Software and Apps
- Create Deep Voice Overs with Speechify AI Voice Generator
Whether it's for a podcast with millions of subscribers, a trending voice-over job, or simply to add some baritone charm à la Morgan Freeman to your speaking...
Whether it's for a podcast with millions of subscribers, a trending voice-over job, or simply to add some baritone charm à la Morgan Freeman to your speaking voice, the pursuit of a deeper voice is a common one. But how does one change their natural voice? What makes a human voice deeper? This article answers these questions and provides techniques to deepen your voice naturally.
Understanding the Human Voice
The depth of our voice, or its pitch, primarily depends on the vocal cords, also known as vocal folds. These are located in the larynx or the voice box. When air passes through the vocal cords, they vibrate, creating sound. The pitch of your voice is determined by the speed of this vibration. Lower frequency vibrations create deeper or lower pitch sounds, while higher frequency vibrations produce high pitched voices.
Factors like age, gender, and hormones can determine the thickness and length of the vocal cords. For example, testosterone during puberty in males causes the vocal cords to thicken and lengthen, resulting in lower voices.
What Makes a Human Voice Deeper?
The depth, or pitch, of a human voice is determined by several factors, primarily related to the physical attributes of the vocal cords and the larynx, also known as the voice box. These factors include:
- Size of the Vocal Cords: Larger vocal cords vibrate more slowly, resulting in a deeper voice. This is why males typically have deeper voices than females - the presence of testosterone during puberty causes the vocal cords to grow larger.
- Tension in the Vocal Cords: Tense vocal cords vibrate faster and create a higher pitch, while relaxed vocal cords vibrate more slowly and produce a deeper sound.
- Shape and Size of the Larynx: The larynx, or voice box, acts as a resonating chamber. A larger larynx creates a deeper resonance.
- Air Flow: The amount and speed of air that passes through the vocal cords when you speak can affect the pitch of the sound produced.
- Health and Lifestyle: Factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, dehydration, and lack of sleep can all affect the quality and depth of your voice.
- Age: Voice deepens naturally with age, especially during puberty due to hormonal changes. As people age, muscle tone in the throat can decrease, affecting the pitch of the voice.
It's important to remember that while there are techniques to deepen your voice slightly (through exercises, voice training, maintaining good posture and hydration), significant changes to your voice's pitch are generally tied to these physical factors and are therefore not easily changed.
How to Deepen Your Voice Naturally
Voice Exercises
One of the primary ways to deepen your voice is through voice exercises and voice training, often guided by a vocal coach. Vocal exercises can strengthen and give better control over your vocal cords and voice box. Some exercises that can help include:
- Diaphragmatic Breathing: This involves taking a deep breath so your diaphragm pushes out, not your chest. It helps in controlling the amount of air that passes through your vocal cords and thereby the pitch and timbre of your voice.
- Voice Warm Up: Similar to physical exercises, warming up your voice before using it extensively can help deepen it. Start by humming, then proceed to lower notes.
- Chest Voice Training: Speaking from your chest rather than your throat can result in a deeper, resonant voice. It involves focusing on resonating your voice in your chest.
How can I Change my Voice Naturally?
Changing your voice naturally involves a combination of exercises, habits, and vocal training. Here are a few techniques that may help:
- Vocal Exercises: Singing exercises can help stretch and strengthen your vocal cords, leading to better control over your voice. For instance, start by practicing scales and gradually working your way from your highest to lowest note. You can also try humming and slowly move up and down your range to warm up your vocal cords.
- Diaphragmatic Breathing: Breathing correctly is crucial for voice control. Diaphragmatic breathing involves taking deep breaths so that your diaphragm pushes out, rather than your chest rising. This approach can help you better control the volume and pitch of your voice.
- Good Posture: Standing or sitting straight helps to open up your diaphragm, allowing for better vocal control and production.
- Hydration: Hydrating is key to keeping your vocal folds lubricated, leading to a smoother voice. Drinking warm water can also help relax your vocal cords and throat.
- Rest Your Voice: Just like any other part of your body, your vocal cords need rest to perform at their best. Make sure to avoid straining your voice and give it time to recover after heavy use.
- Voice Control: Conscious modulation of your voice can be helpful. Try speaking in a lower or higher pitch and pay attention to how that feels. With practice, you can gain more control over your voice's pitch and tone.
- Speech Therapy or Voice Training: Working with a voice coach can provide you with specific exercises and techniques to change your voice. This can be particularly useful if you're looking to make significant changes.
Remember, everyone's voice is unique and beautiful in its own way. While it's possible to make minor changes to the tone and pitch of your voice, it's important to embrace the natural qualities of your voice as well.
How can I make my Voice Manly?
A "manly" voice is often perceived as deep and resonant. Here are some strategies to help you achieve a more masculine-sounding voice:
- Deep Breathing: Diaphragmatic breathing, which involves taking deep breaths so that your diaphragm pushes out rather than your chest rising, can support a deeper, fuller voice.
- Voice Training: A voice coach or vocal coach can help you train and control your voice. This can include exercises to lower the pitch and add resonance to your voice.
- Posture: Good posture helps your voice resonate and reach its full potential. Standing or sitting straight can support deeper, more powerful vocal projection.
- Voice Control: Consciously lower the pitch of your voice when speaking. This requires practice, but over time it can become more natural.
- Speech Pace: Slowing down your speech can contribute to a deeper voice, as rushing can cause your voice to become higher-pitched.
- Hydrate: Staying hydrated keeps your vocal cords lubricated and flexible, which can improve your voice quality.
- Avoid Strain: Avoid shouting or straining your voice, as it can cause long-term damage to your vocal cords.
- Exercise Your Voice: Just like any other muscle in your body, your vocal cords need exercise. Try humming at different pitches, and gradually lower the pitch over time.
- Avoid High Pitched Speech: Try to avoid inflections at the end of your sentences as it can make your voice sound higher and less manly.
It's important to note that these strategies can help enhance the depth and resonance of your voice, but significant changes may not be possible without medical intervention. Also, remember that there's a wide variety of masculine voices - high or low pitch, smooth or raspy. It's important to appreciate the unique qualities of your own voice.
How to Deepen Voice with Exercise
Deepening your voice with exercises involves practices that can help control and strengthen your vocal cords, ultimately influencing the pitch and quality of your voice. Here are a few exercises that may be beneficial:
- Diaphragmatic Breathing: This exercise involves taking a deep breath in such a way that your diaphragm pushes out instead of your chest rising. It can help control the amount of air that passes through your vocal cords, allowing you to control the pitch and tone of your voice better. To practice this, lie down and place a book on your stomach. As you inhale, the book should rise, and as you exhale, it should fall. Try to mimic this pattern while standing up.
- Vocal Warm-Up: Warming up your voice can help deepen it. Start by humming a tune, starting from your normal pitch and gradually lowering the pitch as you go.
- Pitch Slides: Start by choosing a sound that is comfortable for you to make, such as a hum or a vowel sound. Start at your normal pitch and slowly slide down to the lowest pitch you can comfortably make. Then slide back up to your normal pitch. Repeat this several times.
- Yawn-Sigh Technique: The Yawn-Sigh technique is a common vocal exercise that can help relax and stretch your vocal cords. Simply initiate a yawn, and then transition into a sigh, letting your voice naturally drop in pitch.
- Neck Exercises: Tension in the neck can affect your voice. Exercises that stretch and relax the neck can also be beneficial. One simple exercise is to gently tilt your head forward and backward, and then side to side.
- Resonance Exercises: Try to focus on sending the sound of your voice into different parts of your body, such as your chest (to deepen) or your nose (to make more nasally). This can help you learn to manipulate your resonance, which can affect your vocal depth.
- Singing Scales: Singing scales in a lower pitch can help train your voice to speak deeper. Start from a comfortable pitch, then descend to the lowest pitch you can comfortably reach.
Remember, when performing these exercises, it's essential not to strain or force your voice, which could potentially lead to damage. Working with a vocal coach or a voice therapist can ensure that you're performing these exercises safely and effectively.
How to Change Voice
There are numerous ways to change your voice, whether you're looking to deepen it, make it sound more feminine or masculine, or simply improve your vocal clarity and strength. Here are some strategies and techniques:
- Voice Training: Working with a vocal coach can provide a range of exercises and guidance on how to modulate your voice.
- Breathing Exercises: Diaphragmatic breathing is a technique that helps you control your breath and the amount of air you use when you speak, which can influence your voice's pitch and tone.
- Pitch Exercises: Regularly practicing with scales can help you control your pitch. Starting at your natural pitch, try to slide up and down the scale to stretch your vocal range.
- Resonance Exercises: These involve manipulating the shape and position of your oral and nasal cavities to change the quality and tone of your voice. This can be as simple as trying to project your voice more from your chest or head.
- Articulation Exercises: These can help improve your diction and clarity. Tongue twisters are a simple and effective way to practice articulation.
- Posture: Maintaining good posture can enhance your voice by ensuring your respiratory system is open and unrestricted.
- Hydration: Keeping your vocal folds hydrated can help maintain a healthy voice. Drinking plenty of water can assist with this.
- Rest: Just like any other part of your body, your voice needs rest, especially after extensive use.
Remember, significantly changing your voice can be a complex process and may require professional guidance to ensure you do not damage your vocal cords. Embrace the unique qualities of your own voice, as it is an essential part of your individual identity.
For more extreme changes in voice, such as in the case of transgender individuals or professional voice artists, medical interventions or in-depth training with a speech-language pathologist or a certified voice coach might be necessary.
How do I Deepen my Voice?
Deepening your voice involves a combination of exercises, habits, and training that can help control and strengthen your vocal cords. Here are some techniques to consider:
- Diaphragmatic Breathing: This involves taking a deep breath such that your diaphragm pushes out rather than your chest rising. This can help control the pitch and tone of your voice.
- Voice Training: Working with a voice coach or a vocal coach can help provide you with specific exercises and techniques to deepen your voice.
- Vocal Exercises: Certain exercises can help stretch and strengthen your vocal cords, leading to a deeper voice. One simple exercise is to hum and slowly slide down into a lower pitch, repeating this over a period of time.
- Maintain Good Posture: Standing or sitting straight helps open up your diaphragm, allowing for better vocal projection.
- Drink Plenty of Water: Hydrating your body keeps your vocal folds lubricated, improving the quality of your voice.
- Rest Your Voice: Avoid straining your voice and give it time to rest, especially after heavy use or practice.
- Speak Slowly: Try to slow down your speech. Speaking too quickly can lead to a higher pitch, while speaking slowly and deliberately can give your voice a deeper resonance.
Remember, it's important to be patient and consistent with your practice. The voice is a delicate instrument and forcing it to change can lead to strain or damage. Always practice voice exercises with care, and consider seeking guidance from a professional voice coach or vocal instructor.
How can I Change my Voice to a Deep Tone?
Changing your voice to a deeper tone can be achieved through a combination of techniques and practices that involve your breath control, vocal cord strength, and resonance. Here's how you can accomplish it:
- Practice Diaphragmatic Breathing: This technique involves using the diaphragm to breathe instead of your chest. It allows for better control over your voice, enabling a deeper and more resonant tone.
- Lower Your Speech Speed: Speaking slowly and clearly can lead to a naturally deeper voice. It's crucial to take your time while speaking, as rushing often results in a higher pitch.
- Use Voice Training Exercises: There are specific exercises to train your voice to reach a lower pitch. You can consult with a voice coach or search online for these exercises.
- Stay Hydrated: Hydration is critical to keep your vocal cords lubricated and flexible. This allows for a smoother and potentially deeper voice.
- Maintain Good Posture: An upright posture can help your voice resonate better, leading to a deeper tone.
- Warm Up Your Voice: Vocal warm-up exercises, like humming or singing scales, can help stretch your vocal cords and prepare them for lower pitches.
- Rest Your Voice: Avoid straining your voice or shouting, which can damage your vocal cords. Rest your voice after heavy use and always warm up before any vocal exercises.
Remember, significant changes in your voice's pitch might not be achievable due to physical limitations, and forcing a drastic change can lead to strain or damage. It's always best to embrace your natural voice and work on enhancing it rather than completely changing it. Always perform voice exercises carefully, and consider seeking guidance from a professional voice coach for best results.
How can I Deepen my Voice Without Changing it?
Deepening your voice without changing its essential character might seem a bit contradictory, as altering the depth or pitch is a change in itself. However, you can implement some strategies to give your voice a deeper resonance while maintaining your natural vocal qualities:
- Proper Posture: Standing or sitting upright opens up your respiratory system, allowing for better breath control and a fuller sound from your voice.
- Deep Breathing: Learning to breathe from your diaphragm instead of your chest can lead to a fuller, deeper voice. This involves taking deep breaths so your diaphragm pushes out, rather than your chest rising.
- Relaxation: Stress and tension can cause your voice to become high-pitched or strained. Relaxing your throat and neck muscles can lead to a more natural, deeper voice.
- Hydration: Drinking plenty of water helps keep your vocal cords hydrated and flexible, allowing for a smoother and potentially deeper voice.
- Avoid Whispering: Whispering or speaking softly can strain your voice, making it higher-pitched. Speaking in your normal, full voice can keep it deeper.
- Lower Speech Speed: Speaking more slowly and deliberately can naturally deepen your voice by giving your vocal cords more time to produce each sound.
- Exercise Your Vocal Cords: Just as you exercise your body, you should exercise your vocal cords. Vocal exercises like humming, yawning, or singing scales can help enhance your natural voice.
Remember, it's essential to accept and embrace your natural voice. Each person's voice is unique and reflects their individuality. It's always best to focus on enhancing the voice you have rather than completely changing it.
Voice-Deepening Software and Apps
For those looking to make their voice deeper for a particular project, such as a voice over or podcast, voice-modifying software and apps can be handy. Here are 8 options:
- Voicemod: This desktop app provides real-time voice changing and various effects.
- Voxal Voice Changer: Offers numerous voice effects and presets, including deep voice.
- Vocular: An app that helps you analyze the depth of your voice and gives tips to improve.
- Voice Changer Plus: An iPhone app with multiple voice effect options including a deeper voice.
- Voloco: A real-time voice-processing app that combines automatic tuning, harmony, and vocoding.
- MorphVOX: A desktop software that provides both voice-changing and sound effect options.
- Voice Changer by AndroidRock: A basic, free voice-changing app for Android users.
- Clownfish Voice Changer: An application that changes the user's voice in various applications like Skype and Discord.
Create Deep Voice Overs with Speechify AI Voice Generator
Creating AI voice overs with Speechify AI Voice Generator is a cutting-edge process that blends technology and creativity, offering users an expansive suite of customization options. With access to over 200 AI voices spanning various accents, users can find the perfect vocal match for any project, whether for professional presentations, educational materials, or entertainment content. The platform allows for meticulous word-by-word fine-tuning, enabling precise adjustments to tone, pitch, emotion, and pronunciation to capture the exact nuance intended for the spoken word. This level of detail ensures that the AI-generated voice overs are not only accurate but also emotionally resonant, adapting seamlessly to the needs of any script or audience.

Cliff Weitzman
Cliff Weitzman is a dyslexia advocate and the CEO and founder of Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews and ranking first place in the App Store for the News & Magazines category. In 2017, Weitzman was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for his work making the internet more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Cliff Weitzman has been featured in EdSurge, Inc., PC Mag, Entrepreneur, Mashable, among other leading outlets.