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EExxpplloorreeoouurrccoonntteenntt&& ddeevveellooppaarreeaaddiinngghhaabbiitt

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The Future of Urban Living: Smart Cities and the Integration of IoT Technologies

AI & Ethical Dilemmas in Modern IT

Exploring the Role of Quantum Computing in Advancing Climate Change Solutions

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250k people rated us with 5 stars
Read on the App Store- App Store user, Jan 24Excellent app!I'm on the road all the time, much windshield time! This app opens up different categories of literature for audibles!! It was fast and accurate scanning a technical book I needed to read. Listen and then review! Thank you!!
- App Store user, Jan 24Absolutely amazing!I found this app way back when it first came out and let me tell you! I wouldn't have been able to enjoy, let alone pass my classes without it! For someone who's also dyslexic, this made getting through all my readings way faster and easier.
- App Store user, Jan 26My recent experience with setting up SpeechifyFirst and foremost, Speechify's text-to-speech feature is simply outstanding. The app accurately converts any written text into high-quality audio, making it incredibly easy to listen to articles, books, and documents on the go. The voice is clear, natural, and easy to understand, which allows me to absorb information effortlessly.
- App Store user, Jan 26Absolutely life-changing!I've always struggled with reading comprehension because I have ADHD but when I start listening to podcasts, I realized that the faster I sped it up the easier it was to understand. When I happened upon an article about Speechify I had to give it a try. I now comfortably listen at 4.5X speed and can push myself to 5X if I need to. Who thought that I would end up considering ADHD to be my superpower. Speechify is life-changing and vital to me as a student, professor, and lifelong learner. Thank you, Speechify!
- App Store user, Jan 31One of my favorite apps!I use this every day for studying, and the voice selections are amazing... very realistic and human-sounding. The app gets frequent updates and is getting better and better. Highly recommended!
- App Store user, Jan 17Thank youI struggle with reading, so this app honestly has come in handy a lot for me to the point it's helped me improve my job opportunities. Definitely try it out if you have dyslexia or ADHD; you won't go wrong with this app!!!
- App Store user, Jan 17Thank youLove love love this app! I have well over 30,000 books. I've been a book collector all my life. Well, anyhow, I never have time to read, but with this app, I snap a quick photo and read on the go! Also, love that I can read books with small print and books that I already have and don't have to try and find. I have some very old books that are no longer in print and not available online, so I just love this app!!!
- App Store user, Jan 22I love thisI'm dyslexic and a passionate lifelong learner. I read for work and for school. It's so nice to be able to listen to my readings while getting ready, working out, or cleaning my house. Everyone can benefit from this app.
- App Store user, Mar 5, 2022For Mental-Visual LearnersSpeechify lets me engage my auditory cortex, which is otherwise unused in learning from reading, for consuming and processing the information and allows me to fully engage my visual cortex for comprehension and learning.
- App Store user, May 25, 2021Grateful, grateful, grateful! Thank you!I am SO grateful there is FINALLY an app that is capable of reading out loud for me! With ADHD, anxiety, and learning disabilities, I struggle with just getting through a page, and I love to collect books and as much information as possible with ALL the good intentions possible to read and grow!
- App Store user, Nov 22, 2023Great for DyslexiaI actually didn't read much of anything because of the difficulties I have and would rely on audiobooks. The problem was not all books had the voice I liked. I wish I had discovered it sooner! Speechify helps me read all kinds of information quickly and on Snoop's voice, which is soothing!
- App Store user, Oct 9, 2023The best business toolHelpful for business owners on the go who require studying whilst working to expand knowledge on specific topics. Brilliant technology, extremely helpful allowing large bodies of text to be consumed in a friendly voice wherever you are — be it at the gym working out or cleaning your home. Thank you to whoever created this technology — life-changing for learning.
- App Store user, May 31, 2023This is the game changerI couldn't stand the robot voices on my work-supplied reader. Speechify makes everything so much easier. I can study as I travel, do tasks, and reduce my anxiety. I'm ADHD and I really dislike reading and I'm slow at it. I take things in better by audio and whilst I'm doing another task. I highly recommend Speechify, help yourself and reduce your anxiety.
- App Store user, May 22, 2023Best thing ever !I've always struggled with reading from a very young age and avoided reading. Since finding Speechify, it has transformed my life; it is one of the best things that's ever happened to me. Now I can enjoy reading and listening to books at the same time.

Itnowhas23M+users& over250k+FiveStarReviews.
Theywalk,drive,workout,& listenwhilegaining2xmorecomprehensionbyreadingandlisteningatthesametime.
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Beautifully. Speech synthesis works by installing an app like Speechify either on your device or as a browser extension. AI scans the words on the page and reads it out loud, without any lag. You can change the default voice to a custom voice, change accents, languages, and even increase or decrease the speaking rate.
AI has made significant progress in synthesizing voices. It can pick up on formatted text and change tone accordingly. Gone are the days where the voices sounded robotic. Speechify is revolutionizing that.
Once you install the TTS mobile app, you can easily convert text to speech from any website within your browser, read aloud your email, and more. If you install it as a browser extension, you can do just the same on your laptop. The web version is OS agnostic. Mac or Windows, no problem.
It is both. Text-to-speech is a technology. You simply install the app on your device or if you’d rather use it on your laptop, then install it as a browser extension on either Chrome or Safari and use it online. Adoption on Firefox and Microsoft browsers as far as the speech web application is yet low.
Most apps convert text to audio in real time and reads the text aloud well as some allow you to download the audio files in various file formats.
Yes. AI and machine learning continues to make significant strides. If your last experience with any text to speech is a year old, then things have change significantly since then. What’s even more impressive is that these advances span multiple languages apart from just English. Portuguese, Italian, and others can be converted real-time to a very human voice with native sounding accents