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Los mejores audiolibros para dormirse

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¿Te cuesta dormirte a veces? Estos audiolibros para conciliar el sueño te ayudarán a contar ovejas en un santiamén.

Los mejores audiolibros para dormirse

Muchas personas tienen problemas para conciliar el sueño por la noche. De hecho, según la Fundación del Sueño, hasta el 30% de las personas padecen insomnio crónico. Además, a muchas otras personas que no padecen esta enfermedad también les cuesta conciliar el sueño.

Escuchar audiolibros puede ser una posible solución, gracias a sus efectos calmantes. Este artículo repasa los principales best-sellers neoyorquinos disponibles en la actualidad. Pero antes de llegar a eso, hablemos de cómo los audiolibros pueden ayudarle a dormir mejor.

Cómo pueden ayudarle los audiolibros a dormir mejor

¿Has notado alguna vez cómo una voz suave o una historia tranquilizadora, como los mejores libros recomendados en Goodreads, pueden hacer que te pesen los párpados? Al igual que cuando éramos niños y alguien nos leía un cuento antes de dormir, nuestra mente y nuestro cuerpo responden al ritmo y al tono de la voz. Los audiolibros, sobre todo los relajantes, aprovechan esta respuesta natural, lo que los convierte en una herramienta excelente para quienes no consiguen adentrarse en el mundo de los sueños.

En primer lugar, los audiolibros distraen de las preocupaciones del día. En lugar de estar tumbado en la cama repasando acontecimientos estresantes o la lista de tareas pendientes de mañana, la mente se pierde en una historia. Este cambio de enfoque permite al cerebro pasar del estado activo de resolución de problemas en el que a menudo se encuentra durante el día a un estado más pasivo y receptivo, propicio para el sueño. Es como encontrar el botón “find my” de la relajación.

Además, la cadencia constante de la voz de un narrador, como la de Frances o Matthew Walker, puede compararse a una canción de cuna. Al igual que el suave movimiento de balanceo puede tranquilizar a un bebé hasta que se duerme, el flujo rítmico de las palabras de las mejores recomendaciones de audiolibros puede tener un efecto similar en los adultos. Con el tiempo, el cerebro puede incluso asociar el sonido de un audiolibro con el sueño, haciendo que el proceso de dormirse mientras se escucha sea aún más rápido.

But it’s not just about the sound; it’s also about the content. The stories and information in audiobooks can be engaging enough to keep your interest but not so stimulating that they keep you awake.

Choosing the right audiobook, like the best Stephen King audiobooks or best romance audiobooks, is crucial. Opt for stories that are calming, familiar, or even a bit mundane. Avoid thrillers or intense dramas that might get your adrenaline pumping. If you’re planning a journey, consider the best audiobooks for a road trip or even short audiobooks to keep you entertained.

Lastly, the beauty of audiobooks is that they can be set to turn off after a certain period, thanks to the sleep timer feature, ensuring you don’t miss out on the entire story while you’re snoozing. Most audiobook platforms have this feature, allowing you to drift off without any worries.

Incorporating audiobooks into your bedtime routine can be a game-changer. They offer a comforting presence in the quiet of the night, guiding you gently into the world of dreams. So, the next time you find yourself tossing and turning, consider pressing play on one of the best audiobooks to fall asleep to from our list and let the magic unfold.

The best audiobooks for a good night’s rest

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

“Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is the first of the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. The young boy is unaware of his powers when he starts to get invitation letters to Hogwarts. Once he learns he’s a wizard, he packs his bags for the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The audiobook narration by Stephen Fry in the official audiobook series is faithful to the original work. Whether it’s been years since you read this classic or you have never got your hands on the book, you’re in for a great journey.

Bedtime Stories for Stressed Out Adults: Tales to Soothe Tired Souls

“Bedtime Stories for Stressed Out Adults” by Lucy Mangan is a collection of bedtime stories best suited to the older generation. The stories are concise and easy to grasp when you feel tired or stressed out.

The English audiobook is available on Audible, narrated by Joan Walker and Jonathan Keeble.

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

You can’t go wrong with audiobooks narrated and written by Neil Gaiman. One piece that stands out is “The Graveyard Book” – the only novel to win both the Carnegie and Newbery Medals.

The novel is about an unusual boy, Nobody Owens, who lives in an unusual place – a graveyard. He’s raised by werewolves, ghosts, and other cemetery inhabitants. Nobody can fade so that mortals can’t see him. But can he face the wonders of the world of the living and the dead?

Find out in this magical and terrifying audiobook available on Amazon.

The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid by Bill Bryson

“The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid” is an audiobook written and narrated by Bill Bryson. Among the author’s most famous and loved works, it’s narrated in its abridged version.

The story is a memoir of the author’s formative years in the U.S. in the middle of the 20th century. The plot covers his childhood discoveries and family life in 1950s America. This is the audiobook to read if you want a good laugh before bed.

The English Patient

“The English Patient” narration by Ralph Fiennes follows the lives of four people in an abandoned villa in Italy after the end of WWII.

Hana, a nurse, exhausted from the war, tends to her last surviving patient with much care. Caravaggio is a thief who tries to reimagine himself. Kip, an Indian sapper, looks for hidden bombs. The English patient, who is at the heart of the story, is provocative and intriguing to his companions. He doesn’t have a name, is burned, and has vivid memories of suffering.

Michal Ondaatje won the Man Booker Prize for The English Patient. The book was also adapted into an Oscar-winning movie.

To the Lighthouse

This Virginia Woolf classic is a landmark of English fiction. The author examines meaning and perception in her most thought-provoking prose works. The story is about Mrs. and Mr. Ramsay’s trip to the Isle of Skye.

Woolf examines the tensions of family life and the conflict between women and men. The Ramsay family endures some of the greatest challenges humans can ever experience.

The narration by Juliet Stevenson is the official Audible version and runs for seven hours and 38 minutes.

The Great Gatsby

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s best-known work, “The Great Gatsby,” is available in audiobook form and narrated by Jake Gyllenhaal on Audible.

This classic novel takes place in the Roaring Twenties and follows the life of a mysterious millionaire, Jay Gatsby. Gatsby met Daisy Buchanan, the love of his life, during WWI. Since then, he’s made a fortune but believes he can only be happy if he wins Daisy back. He uses his new friendship with Nick Carraway to reach out to Daisy.

Other audiobooks worth considering

  • “Conversations With Friends” by Sally Rooney, read by Aoife McMahon.
  • “Atonement” by Ian Mcewan, narrated by Carole Boyd.
  • “Nothing to See Here” by Kevin Wilson, read by Marin Ireland
  • “Why the Caged Bird Sings,” written and narrated by Maya Angelou
  • “Sherlock Holmes” by Arthur Conan Doyle, read by Stephen Fry.

5 remarkable benefits of audiobooks

Audiobooks have surged in popularity over the years, and it’s not just because they’re a convenient alternative to reading. They offer a unique experience that brings stories and information to life in ways traditional books can’t. Let’s dive into five standout benefits of tuning into the best audiobook series:

  1. Enhanced Comprehension and Retention: Listening to a story or information can often lead to better understanding. The combination of tone, pace, and emphasis from a skilled narrator can highlight important points and convey emotions that might be missed when reading. This added layer of vocal expression can help listeners grasp and remember content more effectively.
  2. Multitasking Made Easy: One of the biggest perks of audiobooks is the freedom they offer. You can immerse yourself in a captivating tale, like the best classic audiobooks or the best audiobooks for teens, while doing household chores, exercising, commuting, or even grocery shopping. This means you can enjoy more books without having to carve out extra time in your day specifically for reading.
  3. Accessibility for All: Audiobooks are a blessing for those with visual impairments or conditions like dyslexia that make traditional reading challenging. They ensure that everyone, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities, has access to the vast world of literature and knowledge.
  4. Mejorar la capacidad de escucha: En un mundo tan acelerado como el actual, el arte de escuchar suele pasarse por alto. Sintonizar regularmente buenos audiolibros para escuchar puede agudizar tu capacidad de escucha, haciéndote más atento en las conversaciones y mejor a la hora de absorber información en otros ámbitos de la vida.
  5. Viaje a mundos diferentes sin moverse: Un audiolibro bien narrado puede transportarte a diferentes lugares, épocas y culturas. La experiencia inmersiva, enriquecida con modulaciones de voz, efectos de sonido y, a veces, incluso música, puede hacerte sentir que estás viviendo la historia en lugar de sólo escucharla. Si busca audiolibros que le inspiren, libros para dormirse o se pregunta qué escuchar para conciliar el sueño, le espera una amplia gama de audiolibros recomendados, incluidos los mejores audiolibros de todos los tiempos.


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¿Qué narrador de audiolibros tiene la voz más relajante?

Joan Walker, Toni Morrison y Neil Gaiman tienen algunas de las voces más relajantes.

¿Cuáles son algunos consejos para ayudarme a dormir?

El yoga, la meditación, la respiración consciente, las comidas ligeras, el ruido blanco y escuchar audiolibros o podcasts de autoayuda relajantes antes de acostarse tienen efectos calmantes.

¿Son realmente útiles los audiolibros para dormir?

Los audiolibros tienen un efecto calmante, ya que te hacen concentrarte en la grabación en lugar de quedarte atrapado en los pensamientos que te impiden conciliar el sueño. Ayudan a tu cerebro a relajarse y facilitan que te quedes dormido.

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