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The 10 best history podcasts to enrich your understanding of the past

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We all know that history is the backbone that holds the flesh of today’s world. But let’s be honest, the traditional classroom setting isn’t always the...

We all know that history is the backbone that holds the flesh of today’s world. But let’s be honest, the traditional classroom setting isn’t always the most exciting place to dive into the past. That’s where the best history podcasts come in handy. Yes, you heard that right—podcasts! These digital talk shows have revolutionized the way we consume information, making topics like American history, the French Revolution, and even historical figures like Abraham Lincoln accessible to everyone, including history buffs and students between 8th and 12th grades.

What makes a history podcast "the best"?

So, what makes a history podcast one of the best? Well, it's not just about stringing together a bunch of dates and names. It’s far more intricate than that.

Authenticity and research

Imagine tuning into a podcast about the Roman Empire, only to find out that the information is as authentic as a Hollywood film. Yikes! A top-notch history podcast needs to have its facts straight. Deep research and historical authenticity are key. In-depth analysis often makes the difference between a forgettable podcast and one that you'll recommend to every history buff you know.

Storytelling and narrative structure

History is not just a collection of dates and places; it's a series of stories. And who doesn't love a good story? If a podcast can weave historical events into a compelling narrative, then you've got something worth listening to. Award-winning podcasts often have this storytelling factor nailed down.

Production value

Ever tried listening to a podcast with poor audio quality? It's about as fun as reading a history book with half the pages missing. Good production value, complete with clear audio and sometimes even mood-setting background music, is essential for a podcast to be considered one of the best.

Audience engagement and community

Some of the best history podcasts have communities where you can engage in rich discussions, debate theories, and even offer suggestions for future topics. Whether it’s a vibrant subreddit or an active Facebook group, audience engagement is a key indicator of a podcast's quality and impact.

The wide spectrum of history podcasts

Before we dive into our curated list of the 10 best history podcasts, it's crucial to recognize the immense diversity of options available in this genre. History podcasts aren't a monolith; they're a vibrant tapestry, each thread woven with a unique narrative style, focus, and approach to dissecting the past. 

Some podcasts take a laser-focused approach, dissecting a particular time period or series of events like the French Revolution or the American Civil War. Others, like NPR’s Throughline or Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History, prefer a thematic approach, where each episode revolves around a central idea or question that ties together seemingly disparate events. 

For the true crime aficionados, there are podcasts that get into crimes of the past, offering both historical context and a narrative arc filled with suspense and intrigue. Some platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify have even categorized history podcasts under different sub-genres, making it even easier for you to pick one that fits your particular taste. 

There's literally something for everyone—whether you're an eighth-grader trying to supplement your classroom learning or a history buff looking for a deep dive into lesser-known events.

The 10 best history podcasts

All set to journey through the corridors of time? Make sure your earbuds are plugged in, your favorite cozy chair is ready, and your sense of wonder is fully charged. We're about to embark on an audio odyssey that will enrich your understanding of the past, challenge your perspectives, and above all, entertain you in the most enlightening way possible. So without further ado, here are the 10 best history podcasts that you absolutely must check out.

1. Hardcore History by Dan Carlin

First up is the juggernaut of history podcasts, Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. When we say this podcast isn't your run-of-the-mill history lesson, we mean it. Think of it as the IMAX of auditory history experiences. With episodes often stretching beyond the six-hour mark, it might seem intimidating at first. But don't let the episode length deter you. Dan Carlin's spellbinding storytelling abilities, combined with in-depth research, turn this podcast into an immersive experience. 

His explorations range from the conquests of Genghis Khan to the trench warfare of World War I, touching on everything from historical figures to societal systems. The podcast offers an intellectual deep dive into human history, enriching your understanding of monumental events and complex characters. It's like a Netflix binge-watch, but for your brain.

2. You Must Remember This

For those enamored by the glittering allure of Hollywood's golden years, You Must Remember This is the go-to podcast. Hosted by film critic Karina Longworth, this podcast dissects the scandals, careers, and everyday lives of Hollywood's biggest names from yesteryears. Don't expect a dry, encyclopedic recounting of events. 

Longworth masterfully weaves storytelling with historical investigation, turning each episode into a thrilling cinematic experience. You'll discover behind-the-scenes secrets and real-life dramas that put even today's juiciest tabloid stories to shame. Imagine uncovering tales of real-life Hollywood espionage during the Cold War or understanding the complex relationship between stardom and politics in an era gone by. It’s an engaging lens into a part of American history that has shaped modern pop culture in ways we often overlook.

3. History Extra

Think of BBC's History Extra as the New York Times of the history podcast world. This highly respected podcast brings you stories from all corners of the globe, exploring everything from the intricacies of British monarchy to the geopolitical tensions of the Cold War. Not to be mistaken as just another British history podcast, History Extra boasts a well-rounded curriculum of episodes, featuring expert interviews, deep dives, and thoroughly researched debates. 

Hosted by historians from the BBC History Magazine, it offers high-quality, well-researched discussions that make even the most complex topics easily digestible. Whether you're intrigued by the tactical genius of Winston Churchill or the unsolved mysteries of ancient civilizations, this podcast adds a layer of polish and profundity to your understanding of history.

4. The British History Podcast

At first glance, the name says it all: The British History Podcast. However, this isn't just an audio compilation of English kings and battles fought on British soil. It's much more nuanced. Host Jamie Jeffers takes listeners on a comprehensive journey through Britain's past, from its geological formation to modern-day politics. 

His narrative is not limited to just the ruling class; it dives into the experiences of common people as well—farmers, soldiers, and poets who made Britain what it is today. For anyone infatuated with English history, from its medieval folklore to its imperial endeavors, this podcast is a trove of meticulously detailed episodes, each one a mini-time capsule into Britain’s rich past.

5. Stuff You Missed in History Class

If you've ever felt that your history textbooks seemed a bit sanitized or overly focused on the same set of facts, then Stuff You Missed in History Class is your antidote. Hosted by Holly Frey and Tracy, this engaging podcast takes a different route, focusing on the 'footnotes' of history. 

From stories about little-known women warriors who fought bravely but barely got a paragraph in standard texts, to obscure events that had a significant impact but are seldom discussed, this podcast fills in the gaps. It not only addresses American history but also global events, figures, and phenomena that are often overlooked. It’s the perfect supplementary listen for students and history buffs looking to round out their knowledge.

6. The History of Rome

When we say Mike Duncan’s The History of Rome is a comprehensive guide, we're not kidding. This isn’t just another surface-level exploration of gladiators, emperors, and ancient Roman architecture. Duncan meticulously charts the course of Roman history, covering its inception, rise, and eventual fall. 

Each episode gets into the reigns of different emperors, the Roman Senate's political intricacies, military strategies, and much more. If Julius Caesar were alive today, he'd probably subscribe to this podcast. And who knows? He might just find some new insights into his own life and times, such is the level of detail in Duncan’s narrative.

7. The History of England

The History of England shouldn’t be mistaken for the aforementioned British History Podcast, although both cover similar grounds. This podcast, however, has its own unique flavor and approach. It scrutinizes English history, including not only its most famous rulers and events but also its lesser-known stories. 

Whether it’s the complex dynamics of the Tudor court or the socio-political landscape of the Anglo-Saxon era, this podcast takes you on a journey through the annals of England’s past. It’s a must-listen for those who have a particular affinity for English history and enjoy delving into the details that often go unnoticed in mainstream discussions.

8. The History Chicks

The History Chicks is not your average history podcast; it focuses solely on the women who have made an indelible impact on history but have been largely ignored in mainstream narratives. Hosted by Beckett Graham and Susan Vollenweider, this podcast shines a spotlight on the lives of women who broke barriers and shattered ceilings. 

From the enigmatic allure of Cleopatra to the artistic genius of Frida Kahlo, each episode dives into the challenges, triumphs, and legacies of women who have paved the way for future generations. Whether you're a feminist, a history enthusiast, or both, The History Chicks is a refreshing divergence from traditional male-centric history podcasts.

9. The Dollop

Imagine combining the intricacies of historical events with stand-up comedy, and you get The Dollop. This podcast is a one-of-a-kind experience, turning American history into an engaging, laugh-out-loud narrative. Hosted by comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds, the podcast covers everything from oddball inventors to political blunders, all told with a light-hearted tone and a knack for finding humor in the most unlikely places. 

While its primary focus is on American history, don't be surprised to find episodes that span continents, diving into some of the most bizarre and funny events from around the globe. It’s as if your history teacher suddenly developed an impeccable sense of humor.

10. The History of Byzantium

For those who find themselves utterly captivated by Roman history and are looking for a 'sequel,' The History of Byzantium picks up right where Mike Duncan's History of Rome leaves off. Focusing on the Eastern Roman Empire, also known as Byzantium, this podcast serves as the perfect next chapter for those who can't get enough of the Roman world. 

Just like its predecessor, The History of Byzantium dives into the sociopolitical structures, religious influences, and military campaigns that shaped this ancient empire. It’s an excellent resource for those hungry to explore the less covered but equally fascinating corridors of Roman history.

Honorable mentions

Our list would be incomplete without mentioning other remarkable podcasts like In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg, Dan Snow’s History Hit, or NPR’s Throughline. If you're a fan of true crime mixed with history, you might enjoy Slate’s Slow Burn. For more American stories, try American History Tellers by Wondery. Or, if you like your history served in bite-sized portions, give The Memory Palace by Nate DiMeo a listen. Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History and Aaron Mahnke's Lore are also fantastic podcasts that often dip into historical events.

How to choose the best history podcast for you

Not all history podcasts are created equal, and what may be the best podcast for one person might not be for another. So how do you decide which one to listen to?

First, identify your interests. Are you into world history or more inclined towards a specific region like America or Britain? Are you looking for quick minute episodes or are you ready for a deep dive?

Next, check out the first episode or read listener reviews on platforms like Apple Podcasts or Spotify. This can give you a taste of what to expect.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to mix it up. Give different genres a try. You might start with Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History and find yourself captivated by the Cold War episodes of BBC’s History Extra or the storytelling in The History Chicks.

Making the most of your favorite history podcasts with Speechify Audio Video Transcription

So, you've just found the best history podcasts that tickle your fancy—awesome! But what if you want to revisit specific moments or quotes later? That's where Speechify Audio Video Transcription comes in handy. Available on iOS, Android, and PC, this tool is a game-changer for all your transcription needs. It easily converts spoken content into text, so you can highlight, share, or save those fascinating historical facts for later. Why not give Speechify a try and make your podcast listening experience even more enriching?


1. Are all the podcasts listed suitable for younger audiences, such as middle school or high school students?

Some history podcasts may cover mature or complex topics that could be better suited for older high school students or adults. If you're a parent or educator, it might be helpful to preview episodes to ensure they're appropriate for younger listeners.

2. Are these podcasts free to listen to, or do they require a subscription?

Generally speaking, many history podcasts, including some of the best ones, offer free episodes that you can listen to on various platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or directly from their websites. However, some may have a premium version or a Patreon account where subscribers can access additional content, ad-free episodes, or other perks for a fee.

3. How frequently are new episodes released for these podcasts?

Release schedules can vary widely; some podcasts may release new episodes weekly, while others, especially those that are highly researched like Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History, may have a less frequent, more sporadic release schedule. It's best to check the podcast's official website or social media channels for the most current information on episode releases.

Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman is a dyslexia advocate and the CEO and founder of Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews and ranking first place in the App Store for the News & Magazines category. In 2017, Weitzman was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for his work making the internet more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Cliff Weitzman has been featured in EdSurge, Inc., PC Mag, Entrepreneur, Mashable, among other leading outlets.