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An easy guide on how to make your video viral: algorithms, platforms and more

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So you want to make a viral video? You're not alone. With the power of social media, a well-executed video can become trending news overnight, catapulting...

So you want to make a viral video? You're not alone. With the power of social media, a well-executed video can become trending news overnight, catapulting you into the spotlight. Who hasn't seen a funny video on TikTok or a gripping story on a YouTube channel and thought, "Wow, I wish I could do that!"? It's not as simple as pressing record on your camera, though. So, let's dive into the exciting world of viral video-making.

The allure of virality

The concept of a viral video has captivated the imagination of people all around the world. Who wouldn't want their video content to be the next big thing? Whether it's a funny video of a cat, a music video that turns into a meme, or a trending news clip from CNN or local news outlets like CBS, a viral video can reach millions of people in an incredibly short amount of time. Remember the viral video shows that we often see making rounds on social media? They capture our attention and keep us talking, turning ordinary people and content creators into overnight sensations.

Understanding the mechanics of virality

Making a video go viral isn't just a matter of luck; there's a science to it. Studies have shown that videos that evoke strong emotional reactions—whether it's laughter, tears, or shock—are more likely to be shared. Remember, it's not just the amount of time someone spends watching your video; it's whether they feel compelled to share it that makes it viral. Pop culture also plays a big role. If your video taps into something currently trending, whether it's a new dance or a breaking news story, you're already ahead of the game.

The role of platform algorithms

Ah, algorithms—the often mystifying cogs and gears behind what you see on your social media feeds. If you're seriously considering making a viral video, it's crucial to decode how these algorithms work, especially on platforms like TikTok and YouTube where your video content is most likely to catch fire.

Think of an algorithm as a sort of digital talent scout, constantly on the hunt for the next big thing. The moment you upload your first video on TikTok, the platform's algorithm starts its evaluation. Your video is initially exposed to a relatively small batch of users. These are your first "test" viewers, and they wield a lot of power. If they engage with your video—by liking it, commenting on it, or sharing it—the algorithm takes this as a positive signal. It then proceeds to distribute your video to a larger pool of people.

But here's where it gets tricky: the TikTok algorithm doesn't just stop at likes, comments, and shares. It also measures the level of engagement against the amount of time people spend watching your video. In other words, if people watch your video multiple times, the algorithm considers it even more favorable. So, you want to create content that not only grabs attention but also keeps viewers coming back for more.

It's similar yet distinct on YouTube. Their algorithm prioritizes watch time, viewer retention, and user engagement. Unlike TikTok, where quick spurts of engagement can catapult a video to virality, YouTube prefers steady and prolonged engagement. Also, it takes into account the click-through rate of your video thumbnails and the quality of your video descriptions and meta tags. The more optimized these are, the more favorably your content is viewed by the algorithm.

So, if you're contemplating how to make your video go viral, understanding and leveraging the algorithm is key. Study your analytics rigorously and adapt your strategy accordingly. The algorithm is not your enemy; think of it as a tool that you can use to your advantage.

Targeting your audience

Knowing your audience isn't just Marketing 101—it's the foundation of any successful video. The viral TikTok video from a Maryland-based Prince George's County Police Officer didn't just get lucky; it resonated because it was incredibly relevant and local. So, how do you find your audience? Well, it requires a bit more finesse than blindly shooting a video and hoping it will be a hit in New York or catch the eye of families in Maryland.

First, you need to segment your audience. Are you targeting teenagers who are into pop culture, or are you aiming at adults who are passionate about a specific hobby or subculture—like the proud boys of mountain biking, for instance? Segmenting your audience will help you tailor your content more precisely.

Once you've identified your target audience, you need to think about what they want to see. What are their pain points, their interests, or their aspirations? If you're targeting a younger crowd in New York, a video on the latest street fashion trends might be a hit. Conversely, a Maryland-based audience might appreciate content that reflects their local experiences, trends, or news.

In a nutshell, knowing your audience is like having a cheat sheet for your video content. It guides you on what tone to take, what jokes to crack, what topics to tackle, and even what times to post.

Crafting compelling content

Making a video that people want to watch is an art form. Sometimes it's a high-budget music video with jaw-dropping visuals and a captivating storyline; other times, it's a funny video that was shot in your backyard. The common thread? They both have to make the viewer feel something.

Storytelling is an integral aspect of creating compelling content. Consider the viral YouTube videos that have really stayed with you. Chances are, they told a compelling story or struck an emotional chord. Whether it's a feel-good video from a Prince George's County Police Department officer doing something extraordinary or a hilarious, relatable skit about everyday life in Montgomery County, the narrative arc is what keeps viewers engaged.

Don't underestimate the power of humor, surprise, or even shock to elicit strong emotional responses—these are the types of content people are most likely to share. That said, the emotion has to feel authentic; anything contrived will turn viewers off.

Also, don't overlook the importance of high-quality production. Crisp visuals and clear audio aren't just niceties; they're necessities. Even the most gripping story or hilarious skit will lose its appeal if viewers have to strain their ears or squint their eyes.

And remember, 'compelling' doesn't necessarily mean 'complex.' Some of the most viral videos are simple, but they're executed well and hit the right emotional notes. So focus on crafting content that's true to you but also resonates with your target audience, and you'll be well on your way to creating a video worth watching—and sharing.

Technical aspects to consider

Making a viral video isn't just about what you film; it's also about how you film it. Poor video or audio quality can be a deal-breaker. Depending on your platform of choice, aspect ratios and video lengths might vary. For instance, a tutorial on YouTube might be longer and require a different aspect ratio compared to a short, viral TikTok. Research the technical specs needed for each platform and invest in decent equipment if you can.

Leveraging social media and influencers

To get your video in front of as many eyes as possible, you need to use social media effectively. Using hashtags wisely and crafting a compelling description can make your video more discoverable. You can also consider collaborating with influencers to expand your reach. Remember when that kissing woman video went viral? It had the internet buzzing, and it was partly because big-name influencers shared it on their platforms.

Analyzing performance and tweaking strategy

After your video is live, you'll want to keep an eye on how it's performing. Both TikTok and YouTube offer analytics tools that can show you how many people are watching, sharing, and engaging with your video. If you find that one video is performing particularly well in New York, for instance, you might decide to create more content targeted to that audience. And remember, it's not just national outlets like CNN that can make a video go viral; local news channels like CBS can also give you a huge bump in visibility.

Common pitfalls to avoid

Of course, there are mistakes to avoid. One major pitfall is not adhering to the guidelines set by social media platforms, which can result in your video being taken down. Copyright issues are another big no-no; you don't want to get your viral YouTube channel taken down because you used a copyrighted music track. Focusing solely on view counts is another common mistake. Remember, engagement is key, whether it's in the form of likes, comments, or shares.

Extra: legal and ethical considerations

You might not have considered this, but even viral videos need to adhere to ethical standards. The PGPD, or Prince George’s County Police Department, for instance, had to deal with legal considerations when one of their videos went viral. Make sure you're not inadvertently filming someone without their permission or making claims that could be deemed false or misleading.

Upgrade your viral video game with Speechify AI Video Generator

So you're keen on making your next video go viral, right? Well, have you considered using Speechify AI Video Generator? This nifty tool is a game-changer for aspiring viral video creators. Available on iOS, Android, PC, and Mac, it simplifies video creation and gives you the kind of high-quality output that gets noticed. Imagine combining all the tips you've just read with the power of AI to make your video stand out. Ready to take your video content to the next level? Try Speechify AI Video Generator today!


1. Can I make a viral video without high-end equipment?

Absolutely, you don't necessarily need high-end equipment to make a video go viral. While good audio and video quality are important, the key factors that contribute to a video's virality are often its emotional impact, shareability, and relevance. Many viral videos have been shot on smartphones; what they lack in production value, they make up for in authenticity and emotional resonance. However, do try to ensure that your video is clear, stable, and audible for the best possible viewer experience.

2. How important is timing when trying to make a viral video?

Releasing a video that coincides with a current event, holiday, or pop culture phenomenon can significantly boost its chances of going viral. For instance, if there's a trending hashtag related to your video's topic, leveraging that trend can help your video get the attention it needs to go viral. However, this isn't a hard-and-fast rule; some videos go viral long after they are first published due to a variety of unpredictable factors.

3. Do I need to pay for advertising or promotions to make my video go viral?

No, you don't necessarily need to pay for advertising to make your video viral. Many viral videos achieve their status through organic shares and engagement. That said, paid promotions can give your video an initial push, especially if you're starting with a small follower base. However, remember that paid views and engagements don't always translate into the same level of emotional connection that drives a video to truly go viral. Your content needs to be compelling on its own merit for that to happen.

Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman is a dyslexia advocate and the CEO and founder of Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews and ranking first place in the App Store for the News & Magazines category. In 2017, Weitzman was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for his work making the internet more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Cliff Weitzman has been featured in EdSurge, Inc., PC Mag, Entrepreneur, Mashable, among other leading outlets.