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- Crafting Professional Voicemail Messages Online: A Comprehensive Guide
Crafting Professional Voicemail Messages Online: A Comprehensive Guide
Featured In
- What is a Professional Voicemail Message?
- What Should Be Included in the Voicemail Message?
- What is a voicemail message?
- What are the Benefits of Recording Your Voicemail Message Online?
- Tips for Creating a Professional Voicemail Message
- When is it Appropriate to Use a Voicemail Message?
- How is a Voicemail Message Created?
What is a Professional Voicemail Message?A professional voicemail message, also known as a business voicemail greeting, is a prerecorded message that callers...
What is a Professional Voicemail Message?
A professional voicemail message, also known as a business voicemail greeting, is a prerecorded message that callers hear when they reach your phone number but you're unavailable to answer. It sets the first impression of your business, conveying your brand's tone and professionalism. A good voicemail greeting is concise, informative, and courteous, ensuring that your potential customers or partners feel valued and respected.
What Should Be Included in the Voicemail Message?
A professional voicemail greeting should include your company name, a brief message indicating that you're currently unable to take the call, and a timeframe for when the caller can expect a return call. Include your business hours, contact information, and any alternative ways to reach you, such as through social media or email. Also, it's essential to request the caller's information to facilitate follow-up communication.
For businesses that operate across different time zones, it may be helpful to mention your primary time zone's office hours. Additionally, consider having separate messages for business days, after-hours, and holidays, such as a special holiday voicemail greeting.
What is a voicemail message?
A voicemail message is a digital recording system that allows callers to leave a voice message for the intended recipient when they are unable to answer the phone. It serves as an answering machine but is typically integrated into the phone system itself. Voicemail messages can be personalized, ranging from a brief, generic message stating that the recipient can't come to the phone right now, to detailed messages with alternative contact information, business hours, or specific instructions for the caller.
Voicemail messages can be accessed and managed through various means, such as dialing a particular number from the phone associated with the voicemail, accessing them on a web interface, or having them sent to an email address. They're crucial in maintaining communication when direct conversation isn't immediately possible, allowing for messages to be left at any time and retrieved at the recipient's convenience.
In a business context, a professional voicemail message helps maintain a professional image, provides important information, and assures callers that their message will be heard and responded to promptly.
What are the Benefits of Recording Your Voicemail Message Online?
Recording your voicemail message online can allow for a high-quality, professional voice-over, ensuring a perfect voicemail every time. It allows for the use of professional voice talent, editing, and auto attendant features that can elevate the caller's experience. Furthermore, online voicemail message creation tools often provide templates and voicemail greeting examples to guide you.
Tips for Creating a Professional Voicemail Message
- Keep it Short: A professional voicemail greeting should be a short message that conveys all necessary information without taking too much of the caller's time.
- Be Professional: Use a clear and professional voice. Avoid funny voicemail greetings unless they align with your brand's personality.
- Update Regularly: Update your voicemail message to reflect changes in business hours or availability due to holidays or vacations.
- Include a Positive Note: End your message on a positive note like wishing the caller a great day to leave a positive impression.
When is it Appropriate to Use a Voicemail Message?
A professional voicemail message is appropriate whenever you're unable to answer a phone call. This could be during non-business hours, when you're on another call, or simply when you're unable to answer the phone.
How is a Voicemail Message Created?
With the rise of VOIP technology, many online services allow you to record, edit, and set your professional voicemail greeting. Here are the top eight:
- Grasshopper: Offers professional voice talent to record your greetings, and also includes a virtual phone system suitable for small business owners. Pricing varies based on your needs.
- RingCentral: Provides auto attendant and advanced call routing features. It includes customizable voicemail greeting templates.
- 8x8: Offers a full-featured business phone system, including professional voicemail greetings, call routing, and hold music.
- Phone.com: Features a user-friendly interface for recording greetings, with options for professional voice-over services.
- Google Voice: A free option ideal for small businesses. You can easily record and modify your voicemail greeting.
- Nextiva: Provides a comprehensive business phone system with professional voicemail, auto attendant, and advanced call routing options.
- VirtualPBX: Offers detailed analytics, advanced routing, and professional voice recording services. Ideal for businesses of all sizes.
- Vonage: Offers an affordable VOIP service with customizable voicemail greetings, advanced routing, and on-hold music.
With these tools and tips, you'll be well-equipped to craft a professional voicemail message online that leaves your callers with a positive impression. Remember, the key is to keep it professional, concise, and friendly.

Cliff Weitzman
Cliff Weitzman is a dyslexia advocate and the CEO and founder of Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews and ranking first place in the App Store for the News & Magazines category. In 2017, Weitzman was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for his work making the internet more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Cliff Weitzman has been featured in EdSurge, Inc., PC Mag, Entrepreneur, Mashable, among other leading outlets.