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Listen to all the 2022 Spelling Bee words - Level three

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    Listening to all the 2022 Spelling Bee words will expand your vocabulary. Listen on repeat.

    The National Spelling Bee championship was held on June 2 2022 and these were the level three words that competitors had to brush up on.

    The list is quite extensive. You can listen to all of them here by clicking the blue "Listen to this Story" button at the top. Listen to them slowly and let new words expand your vocabulary.

    Share this with a Spelling Bee nerd and experience these words in a new way. 

    reflexology, intentionally, cocoon, motley, fetlocks, ranchero, intolerance, gluten, pulverized, mystified, swankiest, clouting, demeanor, mallet, Singapore, disembodied, Korea, aisles, unsportsmanlike, ensnarement, morbidity, proctors, trodden, torturous, referral, aerials, surgeon, Judaism, stalemate, thoroughfare, transgressions, abdomen, appeasement, liability, penchant, propensity, instinctive, infectious, Minnesota, adversity, convictions, intestine, discriminating, exile, lineage, coaxing, permanence, larkspur, drudgery, ransacked, kimchi, menorahs, heirloom, pallid, renal, mete, russet, topologically, burgundy, brocade, heresy, perdition, incorrigibles, porcine, dispensation, Richter scale, palpable, congealing, bantlings, prioress, embroidery, coronation, padre, mien, resinous, scree, chaplain, feinted, humus, Cantonese, herbalist, fortuitous, poultice, guarantor, adduced, impertinent, fractious, Darwinism, transept, condescendingly, rhetorical, phenomenal, mortification, covenant, throes, semblance, aversion, primordial, moppet, assassinate, vuvuzela, adzuki, allée, d’orsay, Wiesbaden, Montmorency, justaucorps, ducats, condyles, Yom Kippur, Firenze, kaddish, Chelonia, Quasimodo, Helvetia, lachrymose, quatrains, katabatic, bivouac, fata morgana, hawsers, Bayreuth, vambrace, plastron, linsey-woolsey, Albion, paschal, coracle, abalones, repast, Bloomsbury, aquiline, Confucianism, Chaucerian, Edinburgh, Carlisle, Mantua, Jains, ziggurat, Arapaho, OR Arapahoe, Durham, derrick, Kerala, chandleries, bier, Des Moines, conurbation, Sioux, refectory, presidio,

    imaret, cornichon, , devastavit, Mediterranean, longevous, digerati, solecism, hypertrophy, ravigote, inchoate, judoka, vaccary, Adelaide, unwonted, tazza, damson, pelisse, succade, tumulus, dorsiflexor, profiterole, valetudinary, aristoi, vireo, rococo, lachsschinken, wakame, bathos, nihilism, ustion, sumpsimus, morel, abeyance, rongeur, mountebank, allelopathy, capoeira, agnolotti, ballabile, draegerman, prescient, Fribourg, proselytizer, OR *proselytiser, tenon, nubilous, iatrogenic, onychitis, roux, tuatara, chicle, sulcus, thalamus, gyttja, jibboom, vestigial, Orwellian, gimbaled, OR gimballed, cabaletta, hesped, umami, persiflage, toreador, vermicelli, frangipane, reseau, moulage, interpellate, genuflect, cinerarium, polemic, paladin, totipotency, agnomen, Bauhaus, sacerdotal, skeuomorph, binturong, mamushi, lipophilic, codicil, coulomb, violaceous, Rorschach, arthralgia, desman, jacaranda, huapango, predilection, entomophagy, paronomasia, facsimile, renminbi, interferon, sedulous, velouté, Aesopian, frigate, enoptromancy, satiety, perorate, danseur, chevalier, taurine, hierurgical, melee, emolument, ikebana, exaugural, gaillardia, caryatid, heliacal, schefflera, contrapposto, temblor, insouciance, catarrh, quattrocento, millegrain, canaille, verisimilitude, Keynesian, akaryote, azulejo, hauberk, bouillon, tarpaulin, cephalopod, pulchritude, pekoe, patois, Rubicon, Truckee, aerophilatelic, ankh, contumelious, vicissitudes, lilliputian, Sbrinz, kathakali, cozen, oxalis, myeloma, lebensraum, mufti, dirigible, surcease, ascetic, oolite, revanche, megrims, podagra, palaver, luthier, yttriferous, vermeil, Ouagadougou, bibliopegist, plagiarism, holobenthic, boutonniere, anodyne, saccharide, boulevardier, quokka, lidocaine, contretemps, a posteriori, scaberulous, anaglyphy, reconnoiter, OR reconnoitre, realpolitik, colloque, onychorrhexis, existence, vigneron, tannined, spiedini, anhinga, jai alai, Rastafarian, succussion, avifauna, joropo, toxicosis, **colporteur, OR colporter, agitprop, Achernar, cassock, meringue, mackinaw, sambal, yuloh, hermeneutics, tikkun, macaque, lassitude, oeuvre, altazimuth, Castilian, trichinosis, ecclesiology, teppanyaki, cicatrize, somnolent, intonaco, realia,

    grison, phulkari, garrulous, paroxysm, communiqué, Chantilly, jacquard, sorghum, guilloche, appositive, dirndl, latke, martinet, asterion, hypallage, solenoid, veridical, threnody, Jacobean, ballotage, ocotillo, dubitante, disciform, mizuna, trichotillomania, huipil, mustelid, prestidigitation, soupçon, diphtheria, bdelloid, nugatory, commorients, immiscible, toroidal, bialy, appurtenances, corsair, zabaglione, velamen, sporran, clematis, kente, ranine, riparian, **accoutrement, OR accouterment, radicchio, dudgeon, nitid, Basenji, concinnate, Stradivarius, synecdoche, tulsi, sebaceous, papeterie, litigious, phytophilous, meunière, hilum, fanfaronade, malachite, urticaria, capsaicin, ptosis, pejerrey, horologist, speleothem, euripus, samarium, variscite, bolide, vervain, chanoyu, hamadryad, calumny, escabeche, ad hominem, oubliette, béchamel, repoussage, otacoustic, naranjilla, elegiac, pâtissier, Yeatsian, surfeit, limicolous, girandole, googol, étagère, anechoic, leonine, laulau, Gruyère, proprioceptive, oppugn, macropterous, euphonious, retinoscopy, sepulchral, sangfroid, pasilla, maringouin, argot, vicenary, ajimez, pompeii, oviparous, mangonel, coalescence, Plantagenet, bauxite, kakapo, pelagial, ague, largesses, fulgent, olecranon, toreutics, mascarpone, rissole, seneschal, pinniped, wahine, grissino, coterie, sylph, Cincinnati, diastole, mediobrome, demurrage, tristeza, trigeminal, bruja, upsilon, sakura, buccal, zocalo, **aficionado, OR afficionado, piscivorous, benison, gagaku, amygdala, scurrilous, flèche, tetrachoric, sforzando, thalassic, frazil, rapprochement, glacis, ahimsa, kanji, weltschmerz, jalousie, ichthyology, pruritus, dactylic, affogato, scrivener, dysrhythmia, dragée, choucroute, hsaing-waing, stevedore, harangue, niveau, rouille, rescissible, Jungian, Groenendael, facile, chrysolite, execrable, hangul, cartouches, Nicoise, julienne, moiety, pastitsio, modiste, deuterium, Icarian, pappardelle, Sahel, bibelot, telegnosis, loupe, oleiculture, **loess, OR löss, ruelle, Ushuaia, redingote, adscititious, hummock, internecine, duxelles, mesial, Feldenkrais, bailiwick,

    bozzetto, coiffure, repartee, chimera, OR *chimaera, avgolemono, exiguous, presentient, renvoi, kichel, semaphore, gambol, angiitis, Teutonic, Conestoga, zeitgeist, heinousness, nacelle, rupicolous, Pythagorean, kepi, **bulgur, OR bulghur, ushabti, puchero, nival, ascites, Véronique, planetesimal, taoiseach, obeisant, whippoorwill, Ficus, agelicism, subrident, ethylene, flaneur, Ponzi, teneramente, styptic, sopapilla, nictitate, boutade, towhee, escritoire, affenpinscher, gudgeon, beaumontage, galoot, desiccate, aporia, moraine, hirsute, shubunkin, hepatectomy, bloviate, seine, galapago, au courant, crepuscular, theca, croustade, kipuka, noumenon, chicanery, vilipend, vitiate, spodumene, leberwurst, daguerreotype, yakitori, pejorate, Aitutakian, parterre, rondeau, atlatl, allochroous, ennui, caisson, cheongsam, graticule, gyascutus, cygnet, supercilious, dysphasia, kugel, topazolite, trompe l’oeil, ailette, fetticus, rocaille, couverture, lemniscus, ad nauseam, ganache, sauger, kanban, toccata, pertinacity, gasthaus, transmontane, laterigrade, hyssop, naumachia, focaccia, pahoehoe, Kjeldahl, rubefacient, halcyon, corrigenda, Zanni, nonage, beurre, jicama, sturnine, octonocular, parallax, antenatus, trouvaille, glazier, kinesiology, exogenous, aniseikonia, guayabera, realgar, anaphylaxis, bobolink, diluent, urushiol, andouille, otiose, megacephalic, souchong, poltroon, Freudian, floruit, Bunyanesque, exsect, champignon, bahuvrihi, panjandrum, catachresis, tiffin, colcannon, tournedos, ormolu, blottesque, consommé, ullage, zortzico, teratism, flagellum, panegyric, hoi polloi, sirenian, nescience, blatherskite, consigliere, adiabatic, camembert, ecchymosis, oppidan, decastich, Naugahyde, lefse, beccafico, amphistylar, saturnine, zaibatsu, titian, tokonoma, unguiculate, amaryllis, reveille, regnal, attaché, rafflesia, ranunculus, pistou, scintillation, Bolognese, farrago, coup de grace, tourelle, notturno, ginglymus, hemorrhage, tapetum, golem, krewe, toque, avuncular, habiliments, rubato, gentilitial, obnebulate, allonym, croquembouche, kobold, mendicity, castellated, toponymic, boudin, bucatini, reboation, haupia, Keplerian, codswallop, hauteur, camarilla,

    nidicolous, oxyacetylene, Humboldt, hellebore, transhumance, phloem, lacustrine, ageusia, pillor, deleterious, ikat, pylorus, erythroblast, maillot, epenthesis, hinoki, nonpareil, nyctinasty, pointelle, vinaigrette, tinnient, aioli, pochoir, glyceraldehyde, hagiographer, syncope, icosahedron, goanna, wassail, ammonite, tanager, pneumatocyst, fortissimo, portmanteau, coaxation, ardoise, farouche, farfalle, ogival, stretto, coccygeal, Diplodocus, tachyon, piccata, isagoge, élan, breviloquence, kalimba, illative, betony, bêtise, transience, frison, flavedo, maquillage, mortadella, stanchion, spirulina, eleemosynary, force majeure, ossicle, anemone, alpargata, disembogue, luculent, expatiate, xerogel, vizierial, crescive, tryptophan, neophyte, buffa, clavichord, de rigueur, secant, comanchero, meiosis, gules, nimiety, lokelani, psoriasis, bavardage, coulibiac, xyloglyphy, Aramaic, anathema, basilica, rajpramukh, Chalcolithic, rinceau, filar, bhangra, risorgimento, agalma, analgesia, dengue, cantatrice, emollient, parquet, dhurrie, lapidary, cachexia, connoisseur, ferruginous, gendarme, demulcent, goosander, kwashiorkor, lecithin, cetology, plenipotentiary, foudroyant, sesquipedalian, expugnable, profligacy, yosenabe, funori, piloncillo, xiphias, étouffée, degauss, tussock, lanolated, linnet, embouchure, plangency, apocryphal, tamarack, puerilely, obloquy, dhole, Sangamon, outré, ululate, sororal, epideictic, embolus, caveola, farina, heuristic, nudibranch, triquetra, paramahamsa, duello, fjeld, tomography, effleurage, chastushka, bergère, Erewhonian, rhyton, orogeny, Pepysian, esplanade, gesellschaft, tamari, arenaceous, panettone, tmesis, clerihew, tsukupin, katakana, Parmentier, rugose, brume, hiortdahlite, extravasate, incunabula, cordillera, zazen, cabochon, après, zydeco, consanguine, bibimbap, aquiclude, demitasse, tomalley, bouffant, bas-relief, rhizome, Wensleydale, erubescent, estovers, rembrandt, marcel, croquignole, dolmen, griot, vexillologist, **halala, OR halalah, corybantic, chasuble, furuncle, pongee, acoel, acral, Koine, weka, haplography, Tchefuncte, becquerel, darnel,

    giallolino, krausen, Castalia, nahcolite, telamon, uraeus, teledu, gattine, mele, Marathi, nuciform, grandrelle, bordereaux, rambla, tullibee, guichet, Guarnerius, unakite, azotea, gabbro, gegenschein, hebdomadal, gypsophila, koh-i-noor, nocive, cataphora, blastema, trochee, diapason, deliquesce, aperçu, cioppino, inglenook, efflux, frugivore, lobscouse, senecio, jasmone, hawok, fructiferous, martinoe, lierre, porwigle, portugais, ligas, Osloite, sciolistic, seraya, janthina, Skeltonic, balata, balbriggan, affeer, pomology, Svengali, escheator, dogana, toorie, exchequer, habeas corpus, kerril, pudibund, toril, ryas, terai, gabarit, guerite, gallivat, charcuterie, zugzwang, triskelion, crokinole, anicca, batamote, yabbies, **salmagundi, OR salmagundy, **hutia, OR jutia, Deseret, Djibouti, Tegucigalpa, Llullaillaco, Pyxis, ***Bezier curve, Beauceron, ni-Vanuatu, Vulcan, anabathmoi, selah, cirri, Oort cloud, cobalamin, amuse-gueule, anent, abaculus, Dvorak, sous vide, Nethinim, Rayleigh wave, Gaia, Ner Tamid, cathect, mange-tout, whakapapa, Astur, Casimir effect, Devanagari, bismillah, deceleron, Ardipithecus, Equatoguinean, limaçon, Kannada, Bundt, Strigolniki, Bavarian cream, hysteron proteron, rooseveltite, temalacatl, darmstadtium, Eris, flehmen, au bleu, pou sto, kapparah, Kuiper Belt, Quaoar, agate, art brut, banh mi, attacca, Ryukyu, kalopanax, derring-do, Alfvén, virga, ab aeterno, Caracas, indicia, Huallaga, kufi, Novanglian, una corda, triduum, wapiti, galena, gyokuro, luftmensch, aggrandizement, battue, Tok Pisin, dvandva, ivermectin, coulrophobia, ancien régime, deathin, zowie, colocate, Aglaia, Apostolici, ubiquinone, Gurmukhi, Burkinabe, ciliopathy, logothete, grobian, rond de jambe, kyphoplasty, Aten, catjang, neem, amour propre, Sagittarius, hordeolum, trous-de-loup, vis-à-vis, Latinxua, Barnumesque, medulla, aughts, carnitine, ahuehuete, hominin

    Cliff Weitzman

    Cliff Weitzman

    Cliff Weitzman is a dyslexia advocate and the CEO and founder of Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews and ranking first place in the App Store for the News & Magazines category. In 2017, Weitzman was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for his work making the internet more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Cliff Weitzman has been featured in EdSurge, Inc., PC Mag, Entrepreneur, Mashable, among other leading outlets.