Free Text To Speech AI Online

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클리프 와이츠먼은 스피치파이의 창립자입니다. 클리프는 또한 난독증이 있습니다. 자라면서 클리프의 아버지는 클리프가 직접 읽을 수 없어서 해리 포터를 대신 읽어주곤 했습니다. 클리프의 아버지는 그의 영웅이었습니다. 그러나 책을 읽지 않으면 클리프는 자신이 되고 싶은 사람이 될 수 없었습니다. 그래서 그는 코딩을 배워 스피치파이를 만들어 책을 스스로 읽을 수 있게 했습니다. 오늘날 스피치파이는 3천만 명 이상의 사람들이 더 빠르게 읽고, 더 많이 기억하며, 시간을 절약할 수 있도록 돕습니다.

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Korean (South Korea)
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Korean (South Korea)

Discover the power of free text to speech online: unlock unlimited file uploads, lightning-fast speeds up to 4.5x, access to 200+ voices in 50+ languages, AI summarization, voice cloning, natural-sounding speech, and compatibility across Chrome Extension, iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows. Try Speechify for free today!

TTrryy FFuullll VVeerrssiioonn


Enjoy over 200 natural, multilingual, lifelike text to speech AI voices across 60+ languages, including but not limited to English, Spanish, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Thai, and Turkish. TTS is great for listening to Google Docs, news articles, emails, books, fan fiction, PDFs, webpages, and more.

TTrryy FFoorr FFrreeee
Google Docs, PDFs
News Articles, Novels
Emails, Textbooks
Non-fiction, Websites


Clone Your Voice

Create a custom voice based on your voice or your loved ones in real-time with Speechify’s AI voice generator powered by machine learning and enjoy having custom voices read to you.

Use Cases

Speechify empowers individuals with visual impairments, dyslexia, ADHD, reading difficulties, learning differences, and other disabilities to access content effortlessly, supercharges productivity by enabling multitasking, and makes learning accessible with user-friendly AI text to speech tools for students and professionals alike.

Instant AI Summaries

Speechify summarizes every reading so you get the highlights right away.

Scan & Listen

Experience the convenience of OCR functionality with Speechify. Simply snap a picture using the app to scan written text and listen to any content read aloud in high-quality, natural-sounding voices.

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Introducing Our Text To Speech API

Speechify's API shares the most natural and beloved AI voices directly with developers at affordable pricing. Use audio files for podcasts, audiobooks, IVR systems, e-learning, apps, and more. 


Over 250k people have given Speechify 5 stars

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  • Richard Branson

    Speechify is absolutely brilliant. Growing up with dyslexia this would have made a big difference. I’m so glad to have it today.

    Sir Richard Branson, Business Magnate
  • gwyneth paltrow

    Speechify makes it easy to learn at 2x or even 3x the speed you read with your eyes.

    Gwyneth Paltrow, Actress and Businesswoman
  • Ali Abdaal

    If there’s one hill I’m going to die on, it’s that speed listening is the best way forward. Speechify is a game-changer for me.

    Ali Abdaal, most followed Productivity Expert in the world.


Text to speech, sometimes called TTS, read aloud, or speech synthesis, is the term for using AI voices to turn any input text into speech.

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An AI voice refers to the synthesized or generated speech produced by artificial intelligence systems, enabling machines to communicate with human-like speech.

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Speechify is available via its iOS or Android mobile apps, its web app on Windows or Mac, or its extensions for Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

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Speechify is for everyone, including seniors, students, professionals, and anyone who benefits from listening to written content.

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Yes. Speechify’s text to speech has the most natural, human-sounding voice overs available on the market. The voices are now indistinguishable from human voices and available in several different languages including Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, and more.

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Voice cloning allows you to upload or record a few seconds of any speaker, with the speaker’s permission, and generate a clone of the voice. This allows you to listen to any email, PDF, or website in the new cloned voice.

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Yes, we do! Please create an account to get started. You can also review our extensive documentation. This is the same API that currently powers all of our products, providing the highest quality AI speech on the market to tens of millions of users. This API includes instant voice cloning, language support, streaming, SSML and emotional controllability, speech marks, and much more.

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Yes! If you would like to purchase text to speech plans in bulk, please contact our sales team for schools or teams. We work with large school districts and governments around the world to provide students with access to Speechify at scale. Speechify helps make education more accessible and improves student outcomes.

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Yes! We have AI-powered voice dubbing as part of Speechify Studio. You can upload any video or paste any Youtube link, pick a language you want to dub it into, and we will instantly convert the video for you. You can choose to either clone the existing voices in the video and have them speak in the new language or you can choose from our pre-selected voices in other languages. We also provide a transcript of the dub, so you can make any edits as you see fit. This is used by many content creators and businesses to localize their content. Different languages where you can use Speechify to dub include English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, and several others.

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