Speechify The Home of Audio

20M+ downloads • 150K 5-star reviews
  • World’s Best AI and Celebrity Voices
  • Instant Audio from PDFs, Documents, Web and Emails
  • Scan Function: Take a Photo and Listen
  • Customizable Speeds
  • 50+ Languages and Accents
  • Voiceover Creator Studio
  • Amazing Audiobook Library
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Best text to speech for Chrome, iOS, Android, & Mac

Speechify is the #1 rated text to speech app in its category with over 250,000 5 star reviews

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Chrome extension

Turn text into natural sounding voice in Google Chrome

iphone app screenshor


Listen to any text on iPhone, iPad, & Safari

android phone screenshot


Convert text to audio on Android with highest quality voices

Listening is a better way to read

time illustration

Get more with text to speech

Boost your understanding and focus. Remember more of what you read.

clock illustration

Maximize your time

Breeze through your content 2-3x faster than it takes to read it.

multi tasking illustration

Do more at once

Take your reading wherever you go – to the gym, the park, or the couch


Speechify has made my editing so much faster and easier when I’m writing. I can hear an error and fix it right away. Now I can’t write without it.

Daniel, writer

I used to hate school because I’d spend hours just trying to read the assignments. Listening has been totally life changing. This app saved my education.

Ana, student with dyslexia

Speechify makes reading so much easier. English is my second language and listening while I follow along in a book has seriously improved my skills.

Lou, avid reader

Enjoy your new reading superpowers

Not all text-to-speech apps are created equal

Listen at any speed

Our high-quality AI voices can read up to 9x faster than the average reading speed, so you can learn even more in less time.


Listen on desktop or mobile devices

Anything you’ve saved to your Speechify library instantly syncs across devices so you can listen to anything, anywhere, anytime.

Listen on desktop or mobile devices

Natural-sounding human voices

Our reading voices sound more fluid and human-like than any other AI reader so you can understand and remember more.

Natural-sounding human voices

Listen to any page

Use the app to snap a pic of a page on any page and hear it read out loud to you.

Listen to any page

Listen to anything

Listen and learn without limits. Breeze through any text, anywhere, anytime.









Try text to speech

Type or copy & paste your text and have it read aloud

Must Read Content

How to Turn Essays and PDFs into Podcasts with Speechify

Learn how to turn essays and PDFs into podcasts with Speechify to boost productivity and comprehension.

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How to Turn Newsletters into Podcasts with Speechify

Discover how to effortlessly transform your newsletters into engaging podcasts with Speechify.

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How to Turn any Book and Textbook into a Podcast with Speechify

Discover how Speechify can transform your favorite books and textbooks into engaging, listen-on-the-go podcasts.

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How to Turn Emails into Podcasts with Speechify

Discover how to transform your email into a personal podcast with Speechify.

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Frequently asked questions

Text to speech, sometimes called TTS, read aloud, or speech synthesis, is the term for using AI voices to turn any input text into speech.

An AI voice refers to the synthesized or generated speech produced by artificial intelligence systems, enabling machines to communicate with human-like speech.

Speechify is available via its iOS or Android mobile apps, its web app on Windows or Mac, or its extensions for Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Speechify is for everyone, including seniors, students, professionals, and anyone who benefits from listening to written content.

Yes. Speechify’s text to speech has the most natural, human-sounding voice overs available on the market. The voices are now indistinguishable from human voices and available in several different languages including Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, and more.

Voice cloning allows you to upload or record a few seconds of any speaker, with the speaker’s permission, and generate a clone of the voice. This allows you to listen to any email, PDF, or website in the new cloned voice.

Yes, we do! Please create an account to get started. You can also review our extensive documentation. This is the same API that currently powers all of our products, providing the highest quality AI speech on the market to tens of millions of users. This API includes instant voice cloning, language support, streaming, SSML and emotional controllability, speech marks, and much more.

Yes! If you would like to purchase text to speech plans in bulk, please contact our sales team for schools or teams. We work with large school districts and governments around the world to provide students with access to Speechify at scale. Speechify helps make education more accessible and improves student outcomes.