How to cancel Scribd. Follow along in 7 simple & detailed steps.
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If you want to cancel your Scribd subscription, take a look at what you need to know about the process.
Cancel Scribd in less than a minute
If you need to cancel subscription for your Scribd account, you know that the process can be frustrating. For $12 per month, you get access to a wide variety of features and book summaries that can be helpful—but when you want to stop paying for it, what do you do? Sometimes, navigating to your account settings is simply not enough. What do you need to do to cancel your Scribd subscription?
It depends on how you signed up for Scribd
In general, the process of canceling your account is going to depend on how you signed up. If you signed up for Scribd on the website using a credit card, debit card, PayPal, or Google Play, then you need to head to your Scribd account and take a look at your account settings.
There, you should be able to see your membership and payment details. It might also be labeled as “my subscription.” This is where you can cancel your subscription.
On the other hand, if you signed up using your Apple ID and want to cancel your membership, you need to find the settings area of your iTunes account on the App Store. You will need to find the subscription there to cancel membership and wait for the confirmation email.
How to find out where you subscribed to Scribd
Today, there are many people who have countless of subscriptions, and you might not even know where you signed up for Scribd. If you really have questions, you might want to reach out to Scribd using the customer service email at [email protected].
The downside is that the customer service team is not always that responsive, especially when the subscription service knows that you are reaching out to them to ask about canceling your membership.
One of the easiest ways to figure out how you signed up for Scribd is to take a look at your email inbox. Find the email that came from when you first signed up for the program. They should have sent you an email with the payment method you used.
This will help you figure out how you are getting charged for your Scribd membership subscription service. Once you identify where the charges are coming from, you can log in to your account through that payment method and cancel the service. This might mean logging in on your iPhone or Android device, or heading directly to the website.
If you are having a hard time logging in, you might want to use the “forgot password” option to reset the password quickly and get into your account.
How to cancel Scribd: Step by step
You might be given a trial period of Scribd depending on when you signed up. Once the trial period is over, you will start to get charged. How you cancel the membership will vary from platform to platform. The steps include:
Cancel Scribd on iPhone or App Store
- Go to the settings area of your Apple device.
- Go to the iTunes section and head to the App Store.
- Log in using your Apple ID.
- Select the subscriptions section.
- Find Scribd.
- Click the button to cancel your subscription.
- Wait for the confirmation email.
Cancel Scribd on Android
- If you want to cancel Scribd on your Android device, you need to open the Google Play app.
- Then, tap the profile icon.
- Head to the payments and subscriptions section.
- Click on the subscriptions.
- Find the Scribd subscription.
- Select the option to cancel the subscription.
- Wait for the confirmation email to confirm.
Cancel Script on the Scribd Website
- On the website, you need to go to the Scribd account directly.
- Head to the account settings.
- Select the option that reviews your membership and payment details section.
- Click the option to “end my membership.”
- There are a few steps that will pop up to confirm the cancellation.
- Wait for the confirmation email to confirm.
Cancel Scribd by email
You also have the option to cancel Scribd by emailing the customer service account above. It might take a few days to get a response from the customer service team, so only use this option if the other options above do not work for you.
After you cancel Scribd via email, you might want to put a “stop payment” on your payment method to tell the payment processor to stop paying Scribd. Include a copy of the cancellation email so they know that you have canceled and want to stop paying for the service.
How to verify Scribd has been canceled
The best way to verify the cancellation process is to wait for a confirmation email to come through. If it doesn’t you can try to log back into your Scribd account. You should not see your subscription there. Or, you can check your credit card account to see if there are any recurring charges from Scribd. If not, you know it has been canceled.
Top reasons people cancel Scribd
There are a few reasons to cancel Scribd subscription. They include:
- You might not be able to afford the price anymore. If your bank account balance looks a bit low, you might want to cancel the account.
- The customer support might not be responsive enough to your needs. Bad customer service is a perfectly acceptable reason to cancel Scribd.
- The digital library might not be right for you. While the library is big, if it doesn't have the right titles, you might want to go with a different option.
- The monthly subscription might have gone up in price, and you might not think the premium membership is worth it.
- You might want to listen to audiobooks on your iPad instead of reading books through Scribd.
Regardless, once you have canceled your account, you should consider listening to books through audio files instead.
Listen to audiobooks after cancelling Scribd
Now, text-to-speech gives you the option to listen to your books instead. This is a type of program that will take text on the screen and convert it to speech. There are a lot of programs out there, and some of them give you the option to customize the voice to meet your needs.
Of course, you deserve to have access to the best listening features available—and that comes from Speechify. This is a program that can handle just about every type of text file and is compatible with almost every type of operating system.
Some of the top features of this program include:
- You get HD voices. The voices sound like a natural, human voice. With Speechify, you get access to hundreds of voices, allowing you to customize your listening experience to meet your needs.
- There are a lot of features that you can customize. You can control the pitch, volume, and tone. You can even customize the reading speed if you want to get through the book faster.
- The user experience is exceptional. Speechify has some of the best app store ratings on the market today.
- The customer service team is outstanding. If you have a question, you can expect to get an answer back as quickly as possible.
- With Speechify, text to speech. This makes it easy for you to multitask, helping you save time during the day.
Clearly, there are plenty of reasons to put Speechify to work for you. There is a completely free version and a premium version available. You can even try out the premium version with a free trial before deciding if you want to buy the whole thing. Learn more about pricing here!
Experience why Speechify is the best option for exploring new books today!
![Cliff Weitzman](
Cliff Weitzman
Cliff Weitzman is a dyslexia advocate and the CEO and founder of Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews and ranking first place in the App Store for the News & Magazines category. In 2017, Weitzman was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for his work making the internet more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Cliff Weitzman has been featured in EdSurge, Inc., PC Mag, Entrepreneur, Mashable, among other leading outlets.