Speechify vs iSpeech - which one is best?
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There are a multitude of text-to-speech apps that you can use online. Searching Google will show you hundreds of results but we've curated only the top 5.
Both Speechify and iSpeech can make it easier for people who want to listen to information (instead of reading) to get the help that they need. Both interfaces support English and other languages, have easy-to-use APIs, and provide users with natural-sounding voices that make it easy to stay on task when e-learning, listening to emails, or when using the programs for personal use. Here, we’ll take a look at the main differences between Speechify and iSpeech speech technology programs, helping you to decide which option is the best fit for your needs. What are the differences between Speechify and iSpeech? There are several differences between Speechify and iSpeech, and it’s important to do your research to discover which TTS reader is the best fit for your text-to-speech needs. Fortunately, both apps are suitable for iOS users, Android users, those who use a Windows operating system, and people who prefer to use a Chrome extension.
Speechify summary
Speechify is a TTS website and app that makes it easy for users to translate text files into audio files. Speechify allows users to input information in a variety of ways, including typing text directly to be translated, typing in a web address to have the text on a web page translated into an audio file, uploading a Microsoft Word doc, uploading HTML files, setting up the app to take emails from text to voice, and more. Speechify TTS reader allows users to get the information they need on the go, allowing them to have more time to focus on productivity, family, and education. While Speechify is popular among both professionals and students, it’s also a great fit for people who have dyslexia or other learning disabilities that can make it challenging to sit and read a text for an extended period of time. Speechify’s speech synthesis program allows users to choose an AI voice that’s the right fit for them. Speechify can be used on a variety of devices, including Mac computers, iPhones, iPads, Microsoft devices, Androids, and more.
iSpeech summary
iSpeech is an app often used by businesses to create accessible websites and other forms of media for their customers. While it’s also possible to purchase a subscription to iSpeech for personal use, many people find that it’s too pricey to make sense outside of a business or academic environment.
Speechify details
Speechify goes above and beyond when it comes to creating an exceptional user experience in its free version. The app syncs the user’s audio files across all of their devices, making it easy for users to always pick up right where they left off. This takes away the need for multiple uploads, allowing users to seamlessly transition from home to work and back again, all while switching devices and listening to information read aloud by virtual human voices. Speechify allows users to upload photos with text in the image. For example, a user who wanted to hear a page from a study read aloud could snap a photo of an Amazon review and upload it to the Speechify app. From there, Speechify uses OCR to translate the text in the photo and convert it into an audio file, such as a WAV or MP3 file. The beauty of Speechify is in its functionality to process written text like captions on YouTube videos or podcasts. Users find that the simple API makes it fun and easy to get the audio files that they need. Speechify simplifies life instead of making it more complicated. Uploading a file or directing Speechify to a webpage is simple. Since Speechify is a speech tool that offers many languages through its speech program, it’s also a great tool for people who are in the process of learning a language. Listening to news articles, websites, and documents written in a person’s new language can help them understand the nuance of pronunciation and syllabic emphasis in a different way than most people can grasp from reading words off of a page, making it one of the best free text readers. A cool bonus: Speechify offers a free trial to let users get a feel for the website by listening to voiceover before they decide if it’s the right fit for their needs. If you decide that you’d like to go ahead and purchase Speechify, a year’s subscription to the program is $139. This includes access to more than 30 natural-sounding voices, 20 different language options, the ability to scan any printed text and have it translated into an audio file, easy-to-use highlighting and note-taking tools, and more.
iSpeech details
Like Speechify, iSpeech uses voice synthesis to create audio from text input in your web browser. Users can choose from a variety of offerings within iSpeech, including IVR prompts, speech SDKs, hosted TTS service, TTS API and ASR TPI, and more. There are several apps available within the iSpeech family, including DriveSafe.ly, Voice AI, Caller ID Reader, iSpeech Dictation, iSpeech Translator, and more. The company also offers private label apps and custom voice development for those who are looking to create a unique sound that represents their brand. For people who are working to build an online business, iSpeech offers the capability to build read-aloud technology for your website using state-of-the-art speech recognition. This means that the website will automatically begin reading its own text aloud when you embed iSpeech’s code which will read text aloud in a custom speech voice. This speech application is also used by educators creating e-learning courses, as they’re able to meet the needs of students with learning differences by embedding a code that allows the text on their course website to be read aloud. iSpeech is pricey. For 2,000 credits (one credit equals one word), users are charged $50. For businesses, educators, and others who want to pay for iSpeech by the installation (for example, offering installation of the app to students on a college campus or to employees of a business), pricing starts at $2,500. Unfortunately, iSpeech does not currently offer a free trial version for people who are working to figure out which text-to-speech reader is the best fit for them.
Speechify Videos
If you’re ready to give Speechify a try, take a few moments to look at some quick YouTube tutorials after you complete your signup. The pros at Speechify make it easy for you to figure out all the tips and tricks that will go even further to hack your productivity. Want to upload a PDF to your Speechify app from your iCloud drive? No problem. See how to get it done here.[Broken Link] If you prefer working with Dropbox over iCloud, that works too. Take a look at this tutorial showing you how to move files from Dropbox to Speechify.
Is there anything better than Speechify?
Short answer: No. Long answer: Speechify offers users tons of options to customize their TTS experience. Speechify’s text-to-speech software is widely regarded as the best option on the market, and users agree that the app is well worth the money. Since users are able to sync their libraries across devices, you’ll never need to try to figure out where you left off, or wish you had a different device with you so you could continue listening to your files. Whether you have a learning disability like dyslexia, you learn better through auditory means than visual means, or you’re looking to boost your productivity by doing more in less time simply, Speechify is the right fit for your needs.
Is Speechify worth the money?
Absolutely. Speechify makes it easy to stay as productive as possible, and the natural voice read-aloud technology allows you to stay up to date on your work or studies no matter where you are. It’s easy to switch from Microsoft to Chrome to Android to iOS with Speechify, and many users find that the ability to convert text to audio files makes the app worth its weight in gold, as its high-quality audio boosts productivity with nearly zero user effort.
What is the best narrator app?
Speechify, hands down. The app offers users several natural-sounding voices to choose from, and users can speed up or slow down their reading speed to create a style that’s comfortable and easy for them to listen to. If you’re interested in listening to text in another language, Speechify has you covered.
What is the most realistic text-to-speech app?
Speechify uses an unthinkably large database of voice units. When a text file is uploaded or when the app is directed to a website, it rapidly matches the syllables and words on the page or doc to voice units, creating a realistic-sounding audio file.
Is Speechify a good investment?
At just $139 per year, many people find that the time Speechify saves makes it a worthwhile investment. When you’re listening to the information you need instead of sitting down to read, you’re able to do more in less time. For many professionals, Speechify quickly pays for itself.
Is Speechify a free app?
Speechify offers users a free trial to get to know the app and decide whether its text-to-speech services are the right fit for what you need. If you decide that Speechify isn’t the right fit for your needs, follow this simple tutorial showing you how to cancel your trial so you won’t be billed for a yearly subscription. {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the most realistic text-to-speech tool?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Both Amazon Polly and Speechify offer extremely accurate, lifelike, and human sounding voices. However, Amazon's complicated pricing model makes Speechify a better choice for affordable and realistic text-to-speech. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Which is the best text-to-speech app?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The best text-to-speech app is the one that works for your unique needs. There are many options available on the market, each with different pros and cons. The best way to find the right app for you is to try them out and see which one fits. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is there a website that reads text to you?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Any text-to-speech app or browser extension can read basic text to you in the form of .WAV files, MP3 files, and other types of audio files. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the best free text-to-speech online tool?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The best text-to-speech online app for free is Speechify's trial version. Even though Balabolka is completely free, the program lacks several important features that Speechify offers at no cost."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Which speech apps have the best human voices?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"NaturalReader, Speechify, and Amazon Polly have the most lifelike human-sounding voices of all text-to-speech applications. Polly's Neural Text-to-Speech (NTTS) makes it a leading choice, with Speechify coming in close behind. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the best text-to-speech software for recording podcast audio files?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Most popular text to speech programs can record podcast audio files that can be edited and uploaded to podcast listening platforms like iTunes and Spotify. Text-to-speech tools are a great way to get started with podcast recording if you are uncomfortable speaking aloud or if you do not have high-quality podcast recording equipment available to you."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the best text-to-speech reader for Android and iOS?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"There are multiple options for text to speech readers on iOS and Android. Which you choose depends largely on what features you need and whether you want to use the application in a browser or an app. Try on several for size and keep the one you like best."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Which natural-sounding speech synthesis tools use deep learning or e-learning for custom voice generation?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The most technologically advanced text-to-speech applications are arguably Amazon Polly and Speechify. Both use state-of-the-art deep learning and artificial intelligence to generate natural-sounding, human-like voices that can read aloud any document."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Which is the most lifelike speech tool for personal use?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"If you need a text-to-speech application for personal use with lifelike speech, NaturalReader and Speechify are both excellent options."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Which text-to-speech apps have the best celebrity speech voices?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Speechify has the most comprehensive list of popular celebrity voices available on any text-to-speech application. Popular celebrity voices users can choose from include A-list celebrities like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gwyneth Paltrow, and more."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Where can I find the best text-to-speech online tutorials?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"There are many Internet tutorials available for the wide variety of text-to-speech tools available on the market. Some of the best text-to-speech online tutorials can be found on YouTube and other similar video platforms. "}}]}

Tyler Weitzman
Tyler Weitzman is the Co-Founder, Head of Artificial Intelligence & President at Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews. Weitzman is a graduate of Stanford University, where he received a BS in mathematics and a MS in Computer Science in the Artificial Intelligence track. He has been selected by Inc. Magazine as a Top 50 Entrepreneur, and he has been featured in Business Insider, TechCrunch, LifeHacker, CBS, among other publications. Weitzman’s Masters degree research focused on artificial intelligence and text-to-speech, where his final paper was titled: “CloneBot: Personalized Dialogue-Response Predictions.”