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How to read the Shatter Me series in order

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Here’s how to read the Shatter Me Series in order and everything you need to know about this dystopian YA story by Tahereh Mafi.

The first novel in Tahereh Mafi’s Shatter Me series was published in 2011 by HarperCollins. Over the years, this series has become an essential young adult read. However, it exploded in popularity relatively recently after being embraced by TikTok’s insanely trendy subculture BookTok.

Keep reading to discover why everyone is obsessing over this carefully crafted dystopian tale. We’ll explain how to read the Shatter Me series in order and what to expect from each of the 11 titles in this ultimate guide on how to read the Shatter Me series in order.

How to read the Shatter Me series in order

The first novel in Tahereh Mafi’s Shatter Me series was published in 2011 by HarperCollins. Over the years, this series has become an essential young adult read. However, it exploded in popularity relatively recently after being embraced by TikTok’s insanely trendy subculture BookTok.

Keep reading to discover why everyone is obsessing over this carefully crafted dystopian tale. We’ll explain how to read this book series in order and what to expect from each of the 11 titles in this ultimate guide on how to read the Shatter Me series in order.

Understanding the Shatter Me series

Before we delve into the reading order for book lovers, let’s take a moment to understand the Shatter Me series as a whole. This dystopian young adult series written by Tahereh Mafi is set in a future where society is controlled by a totalitarian regime. The protagonist, Juliette Ferrars, possesses a dangerous power with the ability to kill with just a touch.

Intriguing, right? The intricate world-building and compelling characters make the Shatter Me series a must-read for fans of dystopian and supernatural genres.

From its inception, Mafi envisioned a unique and compelling story set in a post-apocalyptic world, where those in power dictate the fate of the masses. The trilogy follows the journey of the protagonist, Juliette Ferrars, as she discovers her extraordinary powers and becomes entangled in a dangerous web of politics and revolution.

What makes the Shatter Me series a reading game-changer

One of the defining characteristics of the series is the intricately developed characters. From the tortured soul of Juliette to the enigmatic figure of Warner, every character undergoes significant growth and transformation throughout the series. Mafi skillfully explores their emotions, motivations, and relationships, giving readers an intimate glimpse into their world.

What truly sets the Shatter Me series apart is Mafi's unique writing style. Through the use of striking metaphors, vivid descriptions, and poetic prose, she creates a visceral reading experience that lingers in the mind long after the book is finished. The series is a masterclass in the power of language and its ability to evoke emotions.

Understanding more about the unique character set of the Shatter Me series

But amidst this bleak backdrop, the series introduces Juliette Ferrars, a young woman with a unique and dangerous power. Her touch is lethal, making her an outcast and a threat to those around her. She has spent most of her life isolated and imprisoned, her power seen as a curse.

Nevertheless, Juliette is not the only character who undergoes a transformation throughout the series. Warner, the enigmatic antagonist, also experiences a profound evolution. Initially portrayed as a ruthless and power-hungry leader, Warner's layers are slowly peeled back to reveal a complex and tortured soul. Mafi delves into his past, exploring the events that shaped him into the person he has become. The exploration of Warner's character adds depth and nuance to the series, challenging readers' preconceived notions and forcing them to question the nature of good and evil.

However, everything changes when a mysterious organization called The Resistance offers Juliette a chance at freedom. They believe that her power can be used as a weapon against The Reestablishment, and they are willing to risk everything to recruit her. With newfound allies and a purpose, Juliette embarks on a journey that will test her strength, challenge her beliefs, and ultimately shape the fate of her world.

The unique blend of Mafi’s writing styles to build a better story line

Furthermore, Mafi's writing style is not only aesthetically pleasing but also serves a purpose within the story. As readers progress through the series, they will notice that the text becomes increasingly fragmented and disjointed. This stylistic choice mirrors Juliette's own mental state, as she grapples with the weight of her powers and the chaos of the world around her. The unconventional structure of the narrative adds an additional layer of depth to the series, immersing readers even further into the story.

In conclusion, the Shatter Me series is a captivating and thought-provoking journey through a post-apocalyptic world. With its intricately developed characters, immersive setting, and unique writing style, Mafi has created a series that is both emotionally resonant and intellectually stimulating.

Whether you are a fan of dystopian fiction or simply appreciate beautiful prose, the Shatter Me series is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Main characters in the Shatter Me series

As you journey through the Shatter Me series in the correct reading order, you will meet a diverse cast of characters. Juliette, the strong-willed and resilient protagonist, takes center stage, accompanied by other memorable characters such as Warner, Adam, and Kenji, who play crucial roles in the unfolding story. Let’s explore the captivating world of these characters and the importance of reading the series in the intended order.

Juliette Ferrars

Juliette Ferrars is the heart and soul of the Shatter Me series. Initially fragile and unsure of herself, she undergoes a remarkable transformation throughout the books. Her journey goes beyond discovering her powers; it’s about finding her voice, embracing her strength, and challenging the oppressive system that has held her captive. With each installment, Juliette’s character development shines through, making her an unforgettable protagonist.


Warner, a high-ranking officer in The Reestablishment, emerges as a pivotal character, both feared and respected. Initially shrouded in mystery, Warner’s true nature unfolds gradually, leading to unexpected turns in his relationship with Juliette. One of the major plot twists in the series is Warner’s betrayal, which shakes the foundation of trust between the characters. This revelation adds an extra layer of complexity to the story, leaving readers questioning loyalties and motives.


Adam, Juliette’s childhood friend and love interest, serves as a pillar of stability amidst the chaos. As the leader of Sector 45, he plays a crucial role in the resistance against The Reestablishment. Adam’s unwavering loyalty and love for Juliette are tested as they navigate the complexities of their relationship, particularly in the face of Warner’s betrayal. Their journey together showcases the intricacies of love and trust in a world torn by conflict.


Kenji, a charismatic and witty member of The Resistance, provides moments of humor and lightness throughout the series. His friendship with Juliette brings banter and camaraderie, offering much-needed respite from the darkness that surrounds them. As a trusted ally, Kenji supports Juliette in her battles, making him a beloved character among readers.These characters, along with many others, form a rich tapestry of personalities and motivations. Their interactions, alliances, and conflicts drive the narrative forward, keeping readers engaged and invested in their fates.

Reading the Shatter Me novels and novellas in order

The Shatter Me book series collection consists of 11 titles.

These books include two novel trilogies and five independent novellas. Since all titles follow the same naming pattern and all books have similar covers, the reading order can get a bit confusing for some readers. Fortunately, the author Tahereh Mafi published all the books chronologically, so there are no time jumps to add to the confusion.

The Shatter Me novellas are told from a different point of view and aren’t pertinent to the story progression, so you can skip them if you’d like. The covers feature a closed eye instead of an open one, which can help you distinguish them from the novels.

Without further ado, here are the Shatter Me novels and novellas in series order:

1. Shatter Me(2011)

Juliette Ferrars finds herself in a place few 17-year-olds expect to be – prison. And for murder, no less. Juliette wields an extraordinary power: her touch is lethal. Although the Reestablishment was responsible for locking her up initially, they begin to change their mind as the world is crumbling to pieces under their dictatorship. Juliette must fight to survive, save the ones she loves, and avoid becoming the ultimate weapon in the hands of the Reestablishment.

2. Destroy Me (novella, 2012)

Although Juliette double-crossed Warner to escape the Reestablishment, he’s still obsessed with her. His plan is to find her and bring her back. Oh, and execute Adam and Kenji, who helped her escape. However, his father, the Supreme Commander of the Reestablishment, has different plans for Juliette.

3. Unravel Me(2013)

Juliette joins a group of rebels, many with powers of their own, aiming to finally start fighting against the Reestablishment. She also wants to discover why certain people are immune to her deadly touch, especially the one person she needs immediate protection from.

4. Fracture Me (novella, 2013)

Fracture me is told from Adam’s perspective, which gives us some insight into the story. Adam is still reeling from his recent breakup and experiencing many conflicting thoughts about his life. But there’s no time for any of that, as an all-assault on the Reestablishment is underway. And they will stop at nothing to crush the resistance.

5.Ignite Me (2014)

After Omega Point is destroyed, Juliette doesn’t know if the people she cares about are alive or dead. But she can’t focus on that. The only thing that matters is destroying the Reestablishment once and for all. To do that, she’ll have to partner with none other than Aaron Warner.

6. Restore Me (2018)

Juliette Ferrars thought she had won. But although she has the world in the palm of her hands, they’re still hands that can kill with a single touch. When tragedy hits, she’s forced to face the darkness around her and within her.

7. Shadow Me (novella, 2019)

Kenji is now the leader of the resistance, trying to balance his responsibilities with his friendship with freshly-betrayed Juliette. The arrival of an unexpected person from Omega Point’s past sets off a shocking turn of events.

8. Defy Me (2019)

Juliette realizes nothing in her world is what it seems. She is again faced with a choice of being a weapon or a warrior. But for the first time, she has to make the choice while being brokenhearted.

9. Reveal Me (novella, 2019)

Kenji is trying to heal from the recent explosive events, but Juliette’s sister has other plans ­– to take control.

10. Imagine Me (2020)

Juliette, or should we say Ella, now knows who she is and why she was created. This revelation only makes things more complicated. While she has many doubts about her past and future, one thing’s for sure – the day of reckoning for the Reestablishment is near.

11. Believe Me (novella, 2020)

After everything they’ve been through to take down the Reestablishment, Juliette and Warner deserve a happy ending. But is that happy ending nothing but a pipe dream?

The Impact of the Shatter Me Series

The Shatter Me series, written by Tahereh Mafi, has had a profound impact on the young adult literary landscape. With its compelling storylines and relatable characters, it has captured the hearts of readers around the world and sparked a fervent fandom. The series has generated discussions on important topics such as power dynamics, love, and self-discovery, opening avenues for introspection and dialogue.

One of the key elements that sets the Shatter Me series apart is its unique writing style. Mafi's use of striking metaphors and poetic prose adds a layer of depth and beauty to the narrative. Readers are drawn into the world of the series, experiencing the characters' emotions and struggles in a visceral way. The series' distinct voice has become a hallmark of Mafi's writing, setting her apart from other authors in the genre.

However, as with any popular series, the Shatter Me series has also faced its fair share of criticism. Some argue that the series relies heavily on tropes commonly found in young adult fiction, while others question the actions and development of certain characters. It is important to note that criticism is an essential part of any literary work's journey, as it encourages authors to reflect and grow.

How the Shatter Me series is captivating readers in their journey to self-discovery

Nevertheless, the series' ability to captivate readers and spark conversations is a testament to its enduring impact. The themes explored in the Shatter Me series resonate with readers of all ages, as they navigate their own journeys of self-discovery and empowerment. The series serves as a reminder that literature has the power to inspire and empower individuals, allowing them to see themselves reflected in the pages of a book.

As the final book in the original trilogy was published in 2014, the legacy of the series continues to thrive. With the release of subsequent novels and novellas, Mafi has expanded the intricate world of Shatter Me and delved deeper into the lives of beloved characters. Readers have been able to witness the growth and evolution of the characters they have come to love, as they face new challenges and navigate complex relationships.

How the Shatter Me series provides fresh perspectives in the young adult literary world

Furthermore, the Shatter Me series has also paved the way for other dystopian novels to flourish in the young adult genre. Its success has shown publishers and authors that there is a demand for unique and thought-provoking dystopian narratives.

This has led to the emergence of new voices and fresh perspectives in the genre, enriching the literary landscape and providing readers with a diverse range of stories to explore.

In conclusion, the Shatter Me series has left an indelible mark on the young adult literary world. Its compelling storylines, relatable characters, and thought-provoking themes have resonated with readers across the globe. While it has faced criticism, the series' enduring impact is a testament to its ability to capture the imagination and spark meaningful conversations.

As readers eagerly await future installments, the legacy of the Shatter Me series continues to thrive, inspiring both readers and aspiring authors alike. It is important to understand the notable emergence of the Shatter me series because its influence lends itself to other books. It provides an immersive experience for young readers looking to be transported into a new world. 

Books like Shatter Me: Exploring Tahereh Mafi’s literary universe

If you find yourself captivated by the world of Shatter Me and hunger for more books that offer a similar reading experience, you’re in luck. As a New York Times bestselling author primarily known for her young adult science fiction novels, Tahereh Mafi has proven herself to be a talented author with a unique storytelling style. Apart from the Shatter Me series, she has also written other notable works worth exploring. Some of the best books by Tahereh Mafi, aside from the Shatter Me series, include Furthermore, Whichwood, and A Very Large Expanse of Sea. Each of these books carries the author’s distinct voice, vivid imagery, and compelling characters that will draw you in and leave you yearning for more. Her latest fantasy series is This Woven Kingdom.

Find Shatter Me on Speechify Audiobooks

If you want to fully immerse yourself in the fantasy world of the Shatter Me series, you should listen to the series instead of reading it. You can do so on Speechify, one of the best audiobook services on the market. Besides this highly sought-after series, you’ll be able to find thousands of compelling titles in Speechify’s ever-growing library.

Try out Speechify Audiobooks today and join Juliette in the fight against the Reestablishment.


Are there 11 books in the Shatter Me series?

There are 11 books in the Shatter Me series. Six are novels and five are novellas. There are also two additional books, but these are collections of the existing novellas. They are called Unite Me (Destroy Me and Fracture Me) and Find Me (Shadow Me and Reveal Me).

Do you have to read the Shatter Me series in order?

Yes, you have to read the Shatter Me series in order. Luckily, the author published the books chronologically, so the reading order isn’t confusing. 

Is the Shatter Me series complete?

Officially, the Shatter Me series is complete. However, readers also believed the first Shatter Me trilogy was complete before the author announced a new trilogy in 2017, so anything is possible.

Was the first book published in 2011?

The first book in the series, Shatter Me, was published in 2011.

Where can I buy the Shatter Me series?

If you’re fond of print books, you can buy the Shatter Me series box set on Amazon. Alternatively, you can listen to the Shatter Me audiobooks on Speechify Audiobooks.

Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman is a dyslexia advocate and the CEO and founder of Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews and ranking first place in the App Store for the News & Magazines category. In 2017, Weitzman was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for his work making the internet more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Cliff Weitzman has been featured in EdSurge, Inc., PC Mag, Entrepreneur, Mashable, among other leading outlets.