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AI Political Ad: AI Driven Political Campaigns are Here, and on the Rise

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a crucial part of modern political campaigns, changing the way politicians reach voters and shape their narratives....

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a crucial part of modern political campaigns, changing the way politicians reach voters and shape their narratives. AI-generated content, primarily political ads, has transformed campaign strategies, spurred new legislation, and stirred debates on their efficacy and ethical implications. Learn everything about AI political ads and even how to create your own.

The first prominent use of AI in political campaigns was in the last decade, with a significant increase in the last couple of years. Politicians and political parties now use AI tools such as chatbots for public engagement, AI-generated content for crafting effective campaign ads, and machine learning algorithms for voter targeting. ChatGPT, a language model by OpenAI, is one such tool that has seen usage in crafting communication strategies.

AI Political Ads in the News

One of the critical moments in AI political advertising history was last month when the Republican National Committee (RNC) leveraged generative AI to produce an attack ad against Florida's Democratic Governor, Ron DeSantis. The ad featured an AI-generated image of DeSantis in a not-so-flattering light, stoking controversies and raising questions about the use of AI in political campaigns. Forbes reported on Never Back Down, the super PAC behind this AI ad.

With AI’s growing penetration in political campaigns and ads in the US, lawmakers have responded with legislation to regulate this new frontier. The AI Disclosure Act of 2023, championed by Representative Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.), mandates that any AI-generated content, including political ads, carry a disclaimer stating its AI origin. This act was motivated by the need to combat misinformation and disinformation propagated through deepfakes, fake images, and other AI-generated content that could mislead voters.

AI in More Than Just Ads in political campaigns

Most people think of AI as a visual or auditory media. In the sense that campaigns rely on AI to quickly write a script, or use text to speech to create AI voice overs or even video. Political parties however, use AI, and have been using AI for data and research long before ChatGPT became a household name.

AI has transformed the landscape of political campaigns, shaping how politicians reach voters, personalize messages, and strategize their campaigns. Here's how AI is used in political campaigns:

  1. Voter Segmentation and Targeting: AI can analyze vast amounts of data about voters - from demographics to political leanings, from past voting patterns to social media activities. This allows campaigns to segment voters into specific groups and tailor their messages accordingly.
  2. Social Media Analysis: AI tools are used to monitor social media trends, sentiment analysis, and public reactions to different issues. This helps politicians understand what matters most to their potential voters, enabling them to address these issues proactively.
  3. Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots have become an effective tool for political campaigns. They can interact with millions of users simultaneously, answering queries, providing information, and even encouraging people to vote.
  4. AI-Generated Content: Generative AI can create a variety of content, including speeches, press releases, and social media posts. This content can be tailored to resonate with different voter segments, improving the effectiveness of campaign messages.
  5. Predictive Analytics: AI is used to predict election outcomes based on current trends and historical data. This can help campaigns adjust their strategies in real-time.
  6. Deepfakes and Synthetic Media: While ethically contentious, some campaigns have used AI to create deepfake videos or synthetic media to promote their candidate or disparage opponents.
  7. Automation of Tasks: AI can automate repetitive tasks such as email campaigns, social media postings, and even fundraising calls. This can help save significant time and resources.
  8. Detection of Disinformation: AI can also help in identifying and countering disinformation campaigns, a growing concern in today's digital political landscape.

Overall, AI has become an indispensable tool in modern political campaigns. However, it also raises new ethical and legal questions that must be addressed to ensure the integrity of the political process.

How to know if a political ad is AI generated or a Deepfake

Identifying AI-generated political ads can be tricky due to the advancements in AI technology, but there are several ways to distinguish them:

  1. AI Disclosure: In response to the increasing use of AI in political ads, laws such as the AI Disclosure Act of 2023 have been enacted in the US, mandating that AI-generated content should carry a disclaimer or notification about its origin. If an ad is complying with this law, it should be clearly labeled as being AI-generated.
  2. Quality of Output: While AI has significantly improved, it's not flawless. It may produce unnatural language patterns or visual anomalies. For instance, in the case of deepfake videos, there might be inconsistencies with lip-syncing, blinking, or lighting.
  3. Lack of Context or Logical Flow: AI can sometimes create content that lacks context or a logical flow of ideas. If the content seems disconnected or doesn't make complete sense, it could potentially be AI-generated.
  4. Use of Common Phrases and Repetitions: AI often uses common phrases or may repeat certain statements, words, or themes more than a human speaker might.
  5. Fact-checking: AI doesn't always ensure the factual accuracy of its content. So if an ad contains questionable facts or misinformation, it may be AI-generated.
  6. Reverse Image or Video Search: AI-generated visuals might not correspond to real events. A reverse image or video search can reveal if the imagery is found elsewhere or if it's artificially created.
  7. AI Detection Tools: There are several online tools and software designed to detect AI-generated content, including deepfakes. These can be used to verify the authenticity of the content.

Remember, none of these methods are foolproof, and they often need to be used in combination. It's crucial to approach political ads with a critical eye, considering the source of the ad and cross-checking information where possible.

Legislation for Ai in Political Campaigns

Ai Disclosure Act of 2023

The AI Disclosure Act of 2023 is a significant piece of legislation in the United States that seeks to regulate the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in various fields, including political advertising. The law was introduced in response to growing concerns about the use of AI-generated content, such as deepfakes and synthetic media, which can potentially spread misinformation and disinformation.

The primary provision of the AI Disclosure Act is that it mandates clear labeling or disclosure for AI-generated content. This means that any content, including political ads, which is created using AI technologies, must clearly indicate its AI origin. The aim is to ensure that consumers, voters, and the general public are not misled by AI-generated content, and that they can make informed decisions based on the knowledge of whether the content was human-made or AI-generated.

The Act is seen as a significant step towards promoting transparency and accountability in the use of AI technologies. It provides a legal framework to address some of the ethical and societal challenges posed by advancements in AI.

Ai for All Act

Another important legislative piece is the AI for All Act. This act, which received bipartisan support, seeks to democratize access to AI technology and address the digital divide, ensuring every American can benefit from the technological advancements in AI.

The White House, under President Joe Biden, has also shown keen interest in the potential of AI. The AI in the White House Initiative was launched as part of a broader effort to integrate AI into government services and operations. It aims to leverage AI to improve public services, policymaking, and national security.

These regulatory efforts reflect the extent to which AI has shaped political campaigning and advertising. The effectiveness of AI political ads, however, remains a topic of debate. Some argue that AI’s ability to tailor messages to individual voters based on their preferences and behavior makes these ads highly effective. Others express concerns about the potential misuse of AI for spreading misinformation and the ethical implications of such targeted advertising.

Ai in the White House Initiative

Under the Biden administration, AI has been recognized as a critical area of focus in many sectors, including defense, healthcare, environmental science, and policy-making. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has been actively involved in shaping the country's AI strategy, guiding the development and use of AI in a manner that aligns with American values, and ensuring the U.S. remains at the forefront of AI technology.

The U.S. government also has several ongoing AI initiatives and strategies, such as the American Artificial Intelligence Initiative launched by the Trump administration, which seeks to foster AI innovation, improve government use of AI, and establish standards for AI systems.

Do Political campaigns benefit from AI generated ads?

The benefits of AI in political campaigns are undeniable. AI enables a more sophisticated understanding of voter sentiment, aids in creating more engaging content, and optimizes campaign strategies. For instance, during the presidential campaign of former President Donald Trump, AI was used to analyze social media trends and adjust campaign messaging accordingly.

AI's impact on politics extends beyond the United States. An interesting example is the Danish Synthetic Party, which uses AI to generate policy positions based on public sentiment. Although there's no direct US equivalent, AI's role in informing policy decisions is growing. For instance, AI imagery was used by the White House last week to analyze the political situation in Taiwan.

However, as AI continues to permeate politics, it is crucial to have robust oversight. A step in the right direction was the recent decision by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to review the use of AI in political advertising. Additionally, major news outlets like CNN and Axios are increasingly covering the use of AI in political campaigns, helping to shed light on the issue and shape public opinion.

The evolution of AI in politics is ongoing. As lawmakers, political entities like the Democratic and GOP parties, and leaders like President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump navigate this new terrain, the importance of understanding, regulating, and responsibly harnessing AI for political purposes becomes increasingly apparent.

The rise of AI in political campaigns and advertising is just one piece of a broader digital transformation reshaping politics. As AI continues to evolve, its influence on political strategy, legislation, and public discourse is likely to grow. From New York to Florida, politicians and voters alike are witnessing firsthand how AI is changing the political landscape.

So Where Can a Political Campaign Create an AI Political Ad?

There are a few key players in this field that can withstand the test of demand and quality that can be broadcast over various mediums.

  1. Speechify Voice Over: Speechify Voice Over is the leading AI app for political ad campaigns. You can create video ads for television, YouTube, or audio ads for Spotify, radio and other streaming platforms. It’s easy to use even for interns to churn out multiple ads and variations a day so they can be tested much quicker.
  2. GPT-3 by OpenAI: GPT-3 is one of the most advanced language processing AI models currently available. It can be used to generate compelling ad text based on specific input prompts. However, using GPT-3 requires programming skills and access to the OpenAI API.
  3. Synthetic Media and Deepfake Platforms: Tools such as Synthesia, DeepArt, and Zao can be used to create AI-generated videos, images, or voiceovers. These tools use AI to generate realistic synthetic media, which can be used in political ads.
  4. Data Analytics Platforms: Tools such as Tableau, Looker, or Microsoft's PowerBI can be used to analyze voter data and segment audiences, informing the creation of targeted political ads.
  5. Chatbot Platforms: Platforms like Chatfuel or ManyChat allow you to create AI-powered chatbots. While not traditional ads, these can be used for engaging potential voters, answering their questions, and disseminating campaign messages.
  6. Social Media Ad Platforms: Facebook, Google, and Twitter have ad platforms that utilize AI for ad targeting. Once your AI-generated content is ready, you can use these platforms to reach your targeted audience.
  7. AI Content Optimization Tools: Tools like Cortex and MarketMuse use AI to suggest improvements to content and optimize it for higher engagement.

This is an example of an AI Political Ad created in Speechify Voice Over, in less than 15 minutes.

The Danish Synthetic Party

If you thought AI political campaigns itself is a big leap, then welcome to the Danish Synthetic party.

The Danish Synthetic Party is an innovative political movement that leverages artificial intelligence to generate policy positions. They utilize AI technology to analyze public sentiment, global trends, and expert insights to form their political agenda. This approach essentially seeks to create a "synthetic" representation of the public's will.

The Synthetic Party aims to reduce bias and human error in decision-making, and it underscores how AI can play a transformative role in the political landscape. However, this approach also raises concerns about the lack of human judgment and ethical considerations that only human politicians can provide.

The Danish Synthetic Party Equivalent in the U.S.

The use of AI in U.S. politics, as of now, is largely limited to campaign strategies, such as voter targeting, sentiment analysis, and the generation of political ads. The idea of a fully AI-driven political party, generating policy positions based purely on AI analysis, had not been adopted.

However, the usage of AI in the US political sphere is continually evolving, and initiatives like the AI in the White House Initiative under President Joe Biden show a growing interest in harnessing AI for policy-making and public services. The unique approach of the Danish Synthetic Party could inspire similar initiatives in the future as AI continues to progress and become more integrated into various aspects of society.

Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman is a dyslexia advocate and the CEO and founder of Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews and ranking first place in the App Store for the News & Magazines category. In 2017, Weitzman was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for his work making the internet more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Cliff Weitzman has been featured in EdSurge, Inc., PC Mag, Entrepreneur, Mashable, among other leading outlets.