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How can I stop wasting time?

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If you're wondering “how can I stop wasting time?” Learn the most effective tips to boost productivity.

How can I stop wasting time?

Time-wasting is something that most human beings can relate to and they will likely have wasted time at some point. Unnecessary phone calls, text messages, and social media are just some distractions that contribute to a society of time wasters. In addition, procrastination and a lack of time management can also hinder productivity.

If you're wondering, "how can I stop wasting time?" Keep reading for tips on completing important tasks and managing your time more efficiently.

The essential tips to stop wasting time

Distractions are one of the main reasons for lacking focus. Here are 10 time-saving hacks to effectively help you stop wasting time. These tips focus on a productive work day or week. However, many apply to completing projects.

Set yourself up to win:

Figure out your short and long-term goals

By being clear on your end game, you can decide on the small steps required to get there, then figure out how to fit them into your life.

Create a daily routine and stick to it

Every human being needs a routine for good mental health and well-being. Set a wake-up time and set specific times to complete your daily tasks if you're working from home.

Make a to-do list and prioritize

You can either write it down or use one of the note apps on your cell phone. You can categorize your tasks under three groups:

  • Urgent and important
  • Not urgent, but important
  • Urgent but not important

To reduce stress, the fewer tasks you have to complete under urgent and important, the better. Cross off each to-do task as you complete them to gauge your productivity. At the end of the day, reflect on your progress and think about the next day.

Schedule your time

Make a plan with an approximate idea of how long a task may take and your priorities. Figure out the most productive schedule and consider how you prefer to work. For instance, are you most effective during the first hour of your day?

At the same time, be flexible and adaptable. Focus on completing the most complex tasks first.

Work in time slots:

Set time frames to complete tasks

For example, the first hour of the day could be spent studying how you can improve your career and the second hour spent responding to emails and so on. Ensure you spend the allocated time set on each task before the next task.

Working on tasks in fixed time slots or "time boxing”

This technique breaks them down into smaller tasks. This technique contributes to time management and improves your overall progress. You may also find you have more free time on your hands.

Randomly moving from task to task without direction may hinder your productivity.

Eliminate distractions:

Reduce interaction with your smartphone

Smartphones are a significant distraction device. Once you open your cell phone, it can be difficult to resist checking notifications, text messages, social media, etc. Consider enabling Do not Disturb mode or setting your phone to silent during the work day.

Reduce interaction with people

Stay in an environment where you're not surrounded by chatter or other distractions. Where possible, use an empty room to work in or use earphones to prevent people from bothering you. You don't have to listen to anything.

Work from one device, if possible

Switching between different devices can invoke procrastination. Each time you make a change, you'll need to refocus. Consider collecting everything you need for the workday onto one device before starting.

Avoid multitasking

Although multitasking may seem like a good idea to complete multiple tasks simultaneously, ultimately, it is a waste of time. Whenever the human brain constantly switches between jobs, it becomes less efficient and is more likely to make mistakes.  

Set time limits on your breaks

Set time limits and stick to them. A five-minute break can quickly turn into an hour. For instance, watching YouTube videos or going on other social media could hold your attention for hours. Do something during your break that is less likely to cause you to run over time.

Always ensure you take a lunch break, preferably away from a screen. A complete activity change for 30 minutes, like eating or going for a walk, will set you up for a productive rest of the day.

No need to wait to begin:

Use time wisely

If you have the opportunity to start your work day 30 minutes earlier than your scheduled time, take advantage and just start. Delays can cause procrastination and it's a waste of time doing something else before starting what needs to be done. Unless the other thing you're doing supports your progress, start earlier than intended and use time wisely.

Believe in yourself

Occasionally, human beings procrastinate in starting a task for fear of failure and even success. Low self-confidence and self-criticism can cause procrastination for different types of tasks and tasks you've never done before.

Fear-based procrastination is human nature. To help overcome it, try to address your fears and focus on the positive outcomes of overcoming them. Be prepared for success by implementing the above tips and keep believing in yourself.

Speechify - an app for a boost in productivity

Here's a bonus tip to enhance your productivity, consider using Speechify.

Speechify is the No.1 app in the App Store for text to speech. It takes the text from a document, your Chrome browser, or an image of text and converts it to audio. Speechify is a great time-saving hack since you can tend to another task requiring little focus, like washing up or cleaning, for instance, as you listen.

Speechify works as a Chrome browser extension or by installing the desktop or mobile app. Try Speechify for free to discover why millions of users use it to boost their productivity.


Why do I waste so much time?

The main reason why people waste a lot of time is because of distractions. Mobile phones and social media are significant causes of wasting time.

How can students stop wasting time?

Students can stop wasting time by:

  • avoiding bad habits that cause distractions
  • avoiding social media
  • setting their mobile phones to DND or silent
  • studying in a quiet place

How can I spend less time on social media?

Spend less time on social media by setting time limits and allowing yourself to check your account only a few times a day. You could also consider reducing the number of social media accounts you use.

How can I improve my productivity?

Improve your productivity by reducing distractions by clearly defining what needs to be done and how. Make a plan and have what you need in place to support execution.

Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman is a dyslexia advocate and the CEO and founder of Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews and ranking first place in the App Store for the News & Magazines category. In 2017, Weitzman was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for his work making the internet more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Cliff Weitzman has been featured in EdSurge, Inc., PC Mag, Entrepreneur, Mashable, among other leading outlets.