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The Tiger’s Prey audiobook

  • By: Wilbur Smith
  • Narrator: Mike Grady
  • Length: 15 hours 16 minutes
  • Publisher: HarperAudio
  • Publish date: October 17, 2017
  • Language: English
  • (1096 ratings)
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The Tiger’s Prey Audiobook Summary

The New York Times bestselling author of Desert God and Pharaoh adds another chapter to his popular historical saga featuring the seafaring Tom Courtney, the hero of Monsoon and Blue Horizon, with this magnificent swashbuckling saga set in the eighteenth century and packed with action, violence, romance, and rousing adventure.

Tom Courtney, one of four sons of master mariner Sir Hal Courtney, once again sets sail on a treacherous journey that will take him across the vast reaches of the ocean and pit him against dangerous enemies in exotic destinations. But just as the winds propel his sails, passion drives his heart. Turning his ship towards the unknown, Tom Courtney will ultimately find his destiny–and lay the future for the Courtney family.

Wilbur Smith, the world’s greatest storyteller, once again recreates all the drama, uncertainty, and courage of a bygone era in this thrilling saga of the sea.

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The Tiger’s Prey Audiobook Narrator

Mike Grady is the narrator of The Tiger’s Prey audiobook that was written by Wilbur Smith

Described by Stephen King as “the best historical novelist,” WILBUR SMITH made his debut in 1964 with When the Lion Feeds and has since sold more than 125 million copies of his books worldwide and been translated into twenty-six different languages. Born in Central Africa in 1933, he now lives in London.

About the Author(s) of The Tiger’s Prey

Wilbur Smith is the author of The Tiger’s Prey

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The Tiger’s Prey Full Details

Narrator Mike Grady
Length 15 hours 16 minutes
Author Wilbur Smith
Publisher HarperAudio
Release date October 17, 2017
ISBN 9780062695703

Additional info

The publisher of the The Tiger’s Prey is HarperAudio. The imprint is HarperAudio. It is supplied by HarperAudio. The ISBN-13 is 9780062695703.

Global Availability

This book is only available in the United States.

Goodreads Reviews


September 01, 2021

Another adventure I had trouble putting down! Typical for Wilbur Smith. There is only one animal tiger, but at least 5 human tigers in this story. I hope this is not the last we hear of the Courtney family now that Tom thinks it is time to buy a home.This is classic Wilbur Smith adventure on the high seas with the Courtney men involved in aligning themselves for common battles, and of course the outcast Courtney being involved in trying to kill the rest of the Courtneys. There are many adversaries, many damsels in distress, animals that add interest in different ways, cultures that must be learned and overcome, and battles galore. The tales of the Courtneys have lasted through 16 novels now, and continue to intrigue the reader. One becomes a part of the generational book-opera as the Courtneys are very compelling to continue to follow. A hearty 448 page novel to lose yourself in for a few days, at least! Good reading!


August 18, 2018

Wilbur Smith has done it again. This was a riveting novel of danger and excitement.Enjoy and Be Blessed.


December 22, 2017

I knew next to nothing about this book when I received it from a giveaway here on goodreads.In my typical fashion I started at the end of a well established series and I have zero regrets.Problems that face some books when you read them this way were not found here. I feel well connected to all the characters and don’t feel like I’ve missed anything for not having read any of the other books but I really want to now.I love the characters and their development throughout the novelI found that the style that the book used was really good, though it wouldn’t work in most others. It recounts events from several different perspectives but does not make them sour or boring. I am a little in love.

Horror Bookworm Reviews

August 05, 2017

Wilbur Smith maintains his Historical Fiction crown with a flawless novel that gives No Quarter. Despite pirate infested oceans from corners of the globe, two brothers encounter a secretive past that catches up to the present, and changes their future forever. A young boy is determined to prove his worth to an ancient family Order, only to be encompassed by multiple adversaries. These tactful character driven storylines transform into vessels of pure cannon fire adventure. Within the pages of this rousing exploration, comes a classic themed high sea experience only Wilbur Smith can produce.


December 15, 2019

"La presa del tigre" es, hasta el momento, la última novela de la saga de la familia Courtney publicada en español.Sin embargo, cronológicamente, transcurre en el siglo XVIII y nos retrotrae a pocos años después de los sucesos narrados en "El Monzón" y "El juramento", para mi gusto, dos de los mejores libros de Wilbur Smith.Los fans memoriosos recordarán que los protagonistas de aquellas novelas son principalmente los hijos de Hal: Billy, Tom, Dorian y Guy Courtney. Sin caer en spoilers de aquellos libros ni de este, se puede decir que Tom vuelve a ser el principal personaje de esta nueva aventura, y los lazos familiares se verán puestos a prueba una vez más con la aparición de nuevos integrantes.Con la destreza que Wilbur maneja tan bien, y el marcado timing para la aventura, nos paseará desde las costas africanas hasta el subcontinente indio, siempre fiel a su estilo detallado y la concordancia histórica. Seguramente haya pasado el cenit de la producción literaria de este autor, pero sigo disfrutando de estos libros como el primer día y, particularmente con este, volví a sentir vivos unos personajes de los que leí hace ya mucho tiempo y a los que recordaba con mucho afecto. Los fanáticos no serán decepcionados.


October 06, 2017

The Courtney novels have to be one of my favourite series, Tom Harper has totally captured the feel and essence of the series, fast flowing pacey adventure following the exploits of Francis and Christopher Courtney a great link to the series


February 10, 2019

A classic 'boy's own' adventure with a little bit of adult entertainment thrown in. This episode takes us back to the early days of the Courtney dynasty (where all Wilbur Smith's best books are found in my opinion) and takes place mainly on the Indian sub-continent.Full of excitement and cliff hanging, I found it thoroughly riveting.


August 08, 2018

E' il primo libro che leggo di Wilbur Smith (e Tom Harper, dal momento che immagino che wilbur smith ormai abbia una certa età) e forse iniziare dal 16° libro di una serie non è stata la scelta più saggia, ma mi era stato regalato a Natale e tendo a leggere sempre i libri che mi vengono regalati.Ebbene, quasi 500 pagine ma sono volate in meno di tre giorni. Pirati, vendette, torture, tempeste, tradimenti, battaglie.. Non c'è un attimo di tregua! So che a casa abbiamo parecchi libri della Saga dei Courtney e a questo punto non escludo, in futuro, di leggerne altri.


January 25, 2018

Great story! Wilbur Smith is a wonderful storyteller. From the first page to the last, I enjoyed every minute of reading this book! The Courtneys are my favorite of Smith's characters. Can't wait until Smith writes another one to find out what happens next!

Ian Wilson

May 04, 2022

An epic page turning adventure


September 11, 2017

Vintage Wilbur Smith What a great read, it was difficult to put the book down once you started reading. The storyline will keep you on the edge of your seat!


August 18, 2017

Wilbur Smith is one of my all time favorites. I eagerly await his newest work and then devour it. The Courtneys are survivors. Always a terrific read: well developed characters, intrigue, life and death suspense, heart-pounding action. Superb.


August 14, 2018

I became aware of this book about two years back but never bothered to jump in. After ploughing through a couple of tense spy novels I opted for an adventure of the purest form, and who better to give one than the critically acclaimed Mr Smith. I confess that I had never read any of his works before this one, and that I went for this purely because of the 4.1 star rating. As it stands now I am awaiting delivery for War Cry, Monsoon, Assegai and Courtney's War, all which were ordered when I was half-way into TTP. I get what all the fuss is about for Wilbur Smith, the man knows how to tell an adventure story; real characters you fall in love and build connections with, love, war, exotic locations, raw sex, even rawer violence (my God people died gruesome deaths in here),betrayal(s)... Its all in there given to you in perfect doses. That is another thing I loved about this book, the pacing is just right. Its not thrown at you in a dizzying, block-buster/thriller fashion we have come accustomed with the likes of, for instance, the Robert Langdon series(which I love and enjoy), the story unfolds gradually with enough action sequences and political talk balanced out to keep you reading page after page until you finish the book, or more accurately, until the book is finished. There were a couple of mild coincidences that pushed the story forward but not too coincidental to throw me off. The book is not perfect but the conclusion most definitely is, one of the best endings I've come across in a while. I hope there is a sequel to this because I need to know how "Man X" (who lost part of his body at the end), went on with his life having returned to that place.


March 17, 2020

The Tigers Prey by Wilbur Smith Action alley story of high sea jinks, the usual Courtneys with dysfunctional families disaster but twist is its set on the sub continent it has shipwrecks, battles, massacres theft trickery big cannons yelling and charges all rolled out in a gripping style, Wilbur is the master GI Joe action man story teller.


April 19, 2018

Dopo Monsone, il re dell’avventura torna a sorprenderci con una nuova appassionante epopea che inizia nell’estremo sud dell’Africa e attraversa il mar Arabico, approdando sulle coste dell’India. Un’avventura in cui intrighi, amori e tradimenti non lasciano scampo al lettore, riconfermando il posto di Wilbur Smith tra gli autori più amati dai lettori.Devo ammettere che aspettavo bramosa l’ultima fatica di Wilbur Smith e, su molti aspetti, non mi ha delusa: la prosa scattante, la trama coinvolgente, il ritmo serrato sono una garanzia per il lettore affezionato. E poi, diciamolo, la famiglia Courteney ti entra nel sangue ed è come ritrovare un vecchio amico; in questo caso, più che altro, una nuova generazione di vecchi amici, perché sono le brame e le imprese dei nipoti di Tom a tessere il filo conduttore di questa nuova avventura, in cui ritroviamo però, personaggi amati come l’irresistibile Tom, il saggio Aboli, la temeraria Sarah. Naturalmente non possono mancare nemmeno quelli più detestati come l’avido Guy che neppure il figlio riesce a tollerare.Aspetti negativi? Beh, un paio di cosette ci sarebbero: le splendide descrizioni che Smith ci regala della sua terra natia, così vivide da farti respirare l’aria stessa di Città del Capo, qui sono tristemente assenti, sostituite da accenni “salgariani” alla giungla indiana, zona evidentemente molto meno conosciuta dall’autore. Inoltre, sono sempre più crude le descrizioni di torture al limite del sadismo, quasi un voler scioccare il lettore, una peculiarità che non emergeva nelle prime opere dell’autore mentre, più di recente, è aumentata in modo tangibile, soprattutto in questa serie.In ogni caso una lettura godibile, avvincente fino all’ultima riga e che consiglio assolutamente, anche come strenna natalizia, in attesa del prossimo capitolo del maestro dell’avventura.Buffy - per RFS


February 12, 2019

4/5 stars. I’m not generally a fan of these kinds of “partnerships”, where you get the impression that the name on top has come up with the storyline and the name on the bottom has done all of the writing, but as Smith gets older and older I can tolerate this if it is the only way to enjoy all the stories he wants to tell before they are lost forever. And I particularly love this branch of the Courtneys, being the “original” Courtney characters to me, since I decided to read from the chronological beginning instead of publication order. This story has all the brutality and swashbuckling adventure you would expect from Smith, but there were a few...inconsistencies? Maybe that isn’t the correct word. There were just more melodramatic mood-swings than I would expect. Francis goes from trying to murder his uncle to worshipping him in just a few pages. Christopher starts off a sweet boy and becomes a merciless, Terminator-like hitman in no time at all. It is hard to tell if the ending is open for another instalment, but then because this has been sandwiched in amongst the existing canon, I already know the outcome of the Tom v Guy saga, and to my recollection Christopher is not a featured character. Still, remembering that this is a work of fiction and not the chronicles of a real dynasty, I can take this book for what it is: another chance to enjoy adventure on the high seas with the Courtney family.


May 28, 2018

This is No. 16 in the long line of Courtney family adventures. At an age (around 90) where most writers would be content to sit back and rest on their laurels, Smith continues to entertain readers with adventures from what has to be one of the largest families to ever set foot on the continent of Africa. This time though, most of the action takes place in and around the Indian sub-continent.Anyone who has read other books by Smith won't be disappointed - there's the usual blend of action, suspense, a few surprises, and intrigue to make for a page-turner that will be hard to put down.Having read most of Smith's books, it's time to air a complaint: at times, one gets the feeling they're reading a porn novel instead of an adventure novel. For some reason, Smith insists upon being overly graphic in sexual scenes to the point of where you just want to skip ahead a couple of paragraphs since the description of sexual organs and activity adds nothing - indeed, detracts a bit - from the overall flow of the action. One gets the feeling the writer is sexually frustrated and assumes his readers are as well, so he lets it all out. Sometimes things are just better left to the imagination. Otherwise, an entertaining read that will keep you guessing at times as to what comes next.

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